Speed & Snipe

in Splinterlandslast month

Here’s another example for using speed to our advantage. It’s a game without magic, which makes it easier – Keyla Frendul is the summoner of choice, since most water monsters are fast by default, and Keyla gives them extra speed – and an armor, very useful in a game without magic.


Speed & Snipe 1.JPG

1 Demonshark – Fast as lightning, a lot of armor, and enrage – becomes basically unhittable when he looses a health – and will get buffed even further by the martyr.
2 Venari Marksrat – Martyr, will be taken out first due to the snipe rule set
3 Deeplurker – Fast and opportunistic, will get buffed by the martyr.
4 Noa the Just – no attack? Exactly. He reduces enemy armor by 2, and is as fast as they come – good chances to avoid the snipers.
5 Angelic Mandarin – Triage/Back row healing. Will keep Noa alive while doing a little bit of damage. Also, relatively high health.
6 Swamp Spitter – One of my favorites. High damage, armor, plus repair – perfect for a no magic came.

The enemy goes for a tank heavy line up, with taunt to avoid the sniping, as well as heal and repair – not the worst idea, but due to his summoner, his monsters are only bronze level.

Speed & Snipe 2.JPG

Round 1: They take out my Martyr, but that’s about it, thanks to a few misses on their side – the strategy seems to be working. Their Kraken takes a few hits already.

Speed & Snipe 3.JPG

Round 2: Kraken goes down, they miss Noa with each attack. It’s done now. In Round 3, Demonshark kills the healer and tramples the repairman, and in round 4 it’s just cleaning up.

Hope you enjoyed this part of speed strategy, happy for any tips and remarks :-)


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