Splinterlands Season Rewards 24 Chests Claimed!

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

Splinterlands Season Rewards 24 Chests.jpg

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Welcome to Tusk Reaper Gaming!

Splinterlands IGN: @bonereaper

Playing Splinterlands and we are claiming our end of Season rewards! I have two accounts both were in Silver III. We recieved a total of 24 chests!

If your not sure how I pulled this off watch my video on how to get the most out of your Splinterlands Accont!:

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If you want to play too just click my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=bonereaper If you want to know more about me, please follow this link for my Hive-Blog: https://hive.blog/gettoknowtuskreaper/@bonereaper/get-to-know-tusk-reaper-gaming

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Music by: Productioncrate.com / soundscrate-rainy-thoughts (Free)

Please Note: ** All of my content is just that, I do not deploy BOT’s, Cheats or take content from other players or other Utubers** This is really me playing and talking.

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Follow Me on Facebook too! Live feeds may become active there soon! Https://www.fb.me/tuskreapergaming Crypto-Currency Donation Links – Secure – And Appreciated

BTC: 3BLEr5pfm8DhgmXomGSZ8z73NKUvpADkee

ETH: 0x353B8e1952fE111DfdeEEFE514c7c9E4d1B1B910 Do not send NFTs or Wrapped ETH (WETH) to this address. ETH Only
IF SENDNG ETH nft'S PLEASE SEND HERE: https://metamask.app.link/send/0xBcb134150035693Da2172132b4A8B12BEc746770

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Splinterlands SPS 0x38D44b1e361813De2A41D9091a2D50aA69504C22
BinanceCoin BNB bnb1l2w4u4lhg0vfpz4l37hacung986sh8dxk84ft6

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10 cards in that last lot of chests! Just brilliant!