Is Splinterlands Worth Playing?

in Splinterlandslast year

It’s a question I ask myself every now and then after a bit of a hiatus from the game. I know that the big rewards from those early days have fallen away and we’ve had a prolonged Bear Market in crypto where ALL the NFTs are selling for fractions of what they did in 2021. That said, I’m a HODLer and I like to stay in touch with Splinterlands because I am long term bullish on the game and ecosystem that has been building up for years now.


I have been renting my cards out using PeakMonsters for most of the last year earning about 7-8% APR which is also down a bit, but there are a couple of new features and cards that I haven’t really checked out yet since I haven’t played for about 6 months. It’s probably time to dust off the old battle deck and check out the current state of play so I’ve pulled down my rentals and am getting set for the new season. I’ll probably only play 2 or maybe 3 seasons but that’ll be enough for me to stay in touch.

The next thing to do was get in touch with my old Guild – The Drop Bears. A pretty friendly bunch of people pulled together by the legendary mama bear herself @bearone. I made contact this morning and she’s going to find me a spot so I can check out the Brawls too. What a legend she is!

Anyways, I might be a bit rusty and I do always seem to struggle to claw up those low ranks as my battle deck is optimized for Silver League and in the past the bots have tended to make mince meat out of me in Bronze League. I can usually hit Diamond League late season so we will see if I can still get that far. I’m probably on the lookout for any Rift Watchers cards that have made the Meta since I last played or are obviously synergistic with my existing cards, but if anyone has any tips for a refresh then I am all ears.


Super late to the party but here now!! So good to have you back in the guild Bug. Kinda hoping youll stay for some time this time around since youve been killing it lately!

Thanks @bearone. Been meaning to catch up with you this week to talk about exactly that.

I don't think I can keep up my playtime but really like what you're doing with the guild!

Get me on DM when youre free. Might be able to help you out there.

Lately I've had the same issue. I'm playing less except for brawls mainly for the extra rewards. SPS prices just plain suck right now, and I'm hoping they make a recovery. This bear market has driven out a lot of players and bots, but it's still fun to play. The soul bound rewards cards are really pretty good once they level up, but you can't sell them until they're out of print.

Never played, don’t have time to play. But i did win a few packs back in the day. Don’t even have the first clue how to find them now. Good luck and enjoy

The game is still worth playing for the fun!! but not that much for the "profit" part...

The bots Comes up with some really crazy strategies, making it difficult for human players to actually compete, this means that win rates has dropped significantly. As for the assets, I don't really know. The bear market makes us see things. But I'm playing splinterlands for the long haul, I hope it'll be worth it by then

the trick is to watch the bot games and pick up some strategies :D

Brawls is my favorite part of the game right now. I hold onto my GF cards so I can play one of those frays and then the rest of my cards I rent out. You are right, that income has dropped pretty significantly. It's sad.

The Rift Watchers cards are pretty powerful and definitely worth getting. Hopefully you'll get some of the new Soulbound reward cards too if you're playing a bit. The martyr cards (particularly the Marksrat) are a game changer.

It's been tough to get into Diamond lately with a mostly silver deck. I've not managed it for a while, but I also don't get to play every day. I'm hovering between silver and gold optimisation with my deck. I've been trying to level it up better for gold, but making slooow progress. Bear has me in a gold fray spot too, which I lose more brawls than I win. 😭

Also there's Ding and his bots which regularly kick my butt. My only consolation is that he on our side. 🤣

🤣 our Ding is on his honeymoon atm...

Is Splinterlands Worth Playing?

Probably not, unless you like Brawls. Nobody plays now, besides BOTS.

😊😎😉 I got no tips for u, but i have played the demo of Spinterlands, and I do think it was cool! u are right to be bullish on it..

I would like to say here, as we all know, when the market is bearish, everything comes down to the way it is today and we will keep them holded and we will see. We will definitely make profits in the near future. This is the time where if we have money now, we can invest and make our money much bigger and wise people will do it this way.

I think Splinterlands is a great game, especially for those who are into collectible card games. It's free to play and has a lot of features that make it engaging. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a new game to play.

Best of luck with your gaming plan, Everything is down even the gaming industry is down, the tokens/nft we bought for 150 to 200$, are now worth only 2$ or even less. That's really heart breaking.

What you have shared in this post about Splinterlands is true and I agree but I still think it's a game that is worth playing. We are in the bear market so things might not be so exciting however in the bull cycle it should be better.

To an extent I still strongly believe splinterland is worth playing. At the end of the day I believe it point down to prefences

Yes you are saying right. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.

Come join the silvergoldknights guild, where you can suck at playing with fellow precious metal degenerates!!

ahhhh hellls nooo! youre not stealing one of my guildies! Bugg is a Bear for life :D and fyi.. Bugg is actually really good :D Guy just rocks up after months MIA and starts leading the guild in brawls.

Hahahaha.... Room for 1 more?

haha actually I do :D

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