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RE: Is Splinterlands Worth Playing?

The Rift Watchers cards are pretty powerful and definitely worth getting. Hopefully you'll get some of the new Soulbound reward cards too if you're playing a bit. The martyr cards (particularly the Marksrat) are a game changer.

It's been tough to get into Diamond lately with a mostly silver deck. I've not managed it for a while, but I also don't get to play every day. I'm hovering between silver and gold optimisation with my deck. I've been trying to level it up better for gold, but making slooow progress. Bear has me in a gold fray spot too, which I lose more brawls than I win. 😭

Also there's Ding and his bots which regularly kick my butt. My only consolation is that he on our side. 🤣


🤣 our Ding is on his honeymoon atm...