
Thought I saw someone post 75K as the highest DEC you can get from chests, is there something there much better? 😳

I have a little SPS staked at this time, I was hoping getting more DECs will get me more SPS Airdrops. I'm still trying to understand how staking and how the reward system works and hopefully everything I get from chests and Airdrops would help me get better cards. I'm not very good with battles right now but I'll get there! You might see me in the champions rank! Lol. Peace ✌

So, I'm pretty sure the highest amount of DEC that you can get from a chest is 2000 DEC. As far as the SPS Airdrops, staking and rewards system goes, I recommend reading the SPS Whitepapers to get a better understanding on that.

Hope this helps :)