Splinterlands Quest Giveaway (Win Free Card) - Round #549

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Hello Splinterpeeps!

Welcome to the 549th round of Splinterlands giveaway! Still no luck, no time and no guts to buy some cards and bring up that Splinterlands Power to be able to qualify to the Diamond 1 league... Floating in the Diamond 2 for some time... # cards from 12 chests isn't that bad, so at least something is OK... DEC token price had a little bump (maybe because of BTC and HIVE dump), we will see what will happen next couple of days...

The idea of giveaway is that I would like to give every day for free (or every second day, depends of my free time for playing the game and getting rewards) one of my daily quests reward cards! You just have to pick up which one do you like most!

Lucky winner will receive 1 Splinterlands card by his choice!!!

Today's options to choose:


Rules for Splinterlands quest giveaway:

1. Comment on this post what card (only card!) do you want from offered ones
2. Put your Splinterlands username in the comment (if it is not the same as here).
::. You can also tag your friends in comments to invite them to join the giveaway .::

NO Upvote, NO Follow and NO Reblog required!!! But appreciated if done.

The winner will be chosen by random comment picker (picker.steemify.me) and he/she will receive chosen card.

The game will last minimum 23-24 hours, or until this posts has minimum 5 valid comments (except bots, spam comments etc).

Results of Splinterlands quest giveaway No: 548


The card goes to –------ >>> @miloshpro


For non-winners, I hope you have a better luck in this round of #splinterlands giveaway!


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Nectar Queen

You have won the card, @kaonashi6686! Congratulations!

Thank you very much for the card and for running the giveaway.

Well, I'll jump on the bandwagon and say Grim Reaper.

Congratulations to @miloshpro!

I will choose the Nectar Queen he he.

Good luck to all of the participants. 😊

Posted using Dapplr

Thanks for the card!

Well @cryptofiloz gave the card but I did want to congratulate you. 🙌 It is always fun to win contests like these. 😊

Grim reaper please sir

Grim Reaper

Grim Reaper


Grim Reaper 👻

grim reaper it is

Grim Reaper

Grim Reaper please...

I would die for a Grim Reaper!

A great Splinterlands video as always! ~@clove71

Hey! That's really generous of you. If I win I would like the Grim Reaper

This round is finished! If you want to participate, please visit the new one at: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@cryptofiloz/splinterlands-quest-giveaway-win-free-card-round-550