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RE: SPS Proposal - SPS.DAO should stake an additional 28,000,000 SPS for a total of 30,000,000 SPS

Again, it might just me be not understanding well but if I compare DAO to the government elected to take good decision for us with our taxes, I'm not sure about losing 6.3% in taxes of my APR in the hope later on I'll be sure that the money I lost today will be well invested in the future and will profit me and all the other SPS investors in the long run.

My point is if losing 6.3% now = SPS being distributed 1.3 more years and making us gain for longer period of time, fine but if it mean having more DAO stuff to be given away in some rewards later on stuff that I'm not even participating in like tournament or future season reward that only benefit a few whales or well oiled bots, no thanks I'll keep my 6.3%.

I'll vote against it until someone can come with better reason why would I want to lose money now and not be sure it will profit me later.