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RE: 5x Cards Giveaway - Splinterlands Chaos Legion Cards to Give away

in Splinterlands2 years ago

I would like the Tenyii Striker because it is a card around which you can build your entire fire battle team at a reasonable cost !
It's synergy with the CL fire summoner is excellent, and is much sturdier compared to its previous edition equivalent!


Tenyii sent to you. Congrats and Have fun!

Thank you so much for the giveaway!

What was the prior equivalent?

I was thinking about the Serpentine Spy from Untamed and the Kobold miner, we can add Uraeus even though it is not from the fire splinter.
All these cards have a low mana but they are also very fragile, so I really like the Tenyii Striker for this reason.

Interesting, thanks for explaining.