Two gladiators, no bloodlust! | Curious Battles #74

in Splinterlands11 months ago

Another day, another opportunity to share a curious battle, this time, one in which two gladiators were unable to bring out their stellar ability.

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From Splinterlands and edited with CANVA

Torhillo The Frozen, was my opponent's choice, a tank that I had in my hands some time ago, courtesy of a battlefield acquaintance, a veteran who rewarded me for my participation in his challenges. Unfortunately I had to sell it due to personal issues, but it remains among my memories as a good tank, coveted in its time, for possessing "Last Stand", by leveling it up a bit.

I chose Robo-Dragon Knight, a splinter dragon legend with Divine Shield and Void, two defensive abilities in addition to his formidable armor and considerable HP.

Since Swamp Spitter was on the opposing team, Torhillo's defense was repaired on one occasion, and Venari WaveSmith didn't sit idly by and added more defense. But, the punishment of my team did not give truce, because for the second round, Torhillo fell at the hands of my dragon.


For the second position, since it was a Brawl type battle, I chose Relenor Cleaver, a formidable gladiator with great armor, damage power and life. He took down Torhillo's defense, contributing to his downfall. But, when Robo-Dragon Knight fell at the hands of the pirate ghost, it was his turn to cover the first position.

He was left face to face against the epic, Nerissa, a mage of great power, empowered by her summoner, Alric, leaving her at 4 points of damage. She managed to leave Relenor at 5 points of life, but my offensive did not allow her to defeat him, as she was finished at round 3, being my pirate ghost who gave her the final blow.



For the third position, in both teams the captain's ghost was present, a card with "affliction", an ability that cuts healing, excellent for strategies where there is an "eternal tank", which is nothing more than a tank that is constantly healed, its armor is repaired and it is even revived, although the three cases are not always combined.

It was the rival ghost who finished off Relenor, my gladiator. This before he could accumulate charges of his bloodlust. But this was not ignored by my team, for by round 4, Water Caller delivered the killing blow, after Poseidon, Void Dragon and my captain's ghost, hit him.



For fourth place, Void Dragon stepped up to the plate for my team, showing up with his signature ability, "void". To be honest, I should have placed him ahead of the captain's ghost, as his defensive aptitude is better.

Despite this formation mistake, victory did not slip through our fingers. His speed helped him dodge several attacks, both from Isgald and Swamp Spitter. This after the fall of my team's pirate ghost at the hands of Swamp Spitter.



In the rear I placed Water Caller, a slow mage with the ability to stun opponents. She made good use of this ability, as she avoided one of Swamp Spitter's repairs when he was face to face against Void Dragon. She also managed to stun Torhillo and the captain's ghost.

Next to her was Poseidon, a legendary card that has been a great support for me, as its 4 points of ranged damage made it shine.

In the opponent's formation, there was Swamp Spitter and Isgald Vorts, of the first I have already talked enough, but as for the gladiator, he did not do so well. Like Relenor, he could not accumulate charges. He missed several hits and although he contributed, he didn't turn the fight around.

By the time he was face to face against Void Dragon, Water Caller managed to stun him 2 times in a row, leaving him very vulnerable to the fierce punishment of Poseidon, with his 4 points devastating that he did not hesitate to take advantage of.



The complete alineation was:


If you want to see the replay click here.

Extra Curious facts:

I found it rather curious that the ghost of the captain not only repeated himself, but that they came face to face in battle. I personally didn't like this card very much because of its slowness, but with time I took more value from it, because its ability is excellent to avoid the headache that healers represent.


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