Splinterlands - A Legendary ALMO CAMBIO From Daily Quest Rewards

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hello battlers,


It's been quite some time since I regularly played Splinterlands Daily Quests and regular battles.

Since we are nearing this Season to end in few more hours, I thought of reaching atleast gold league and hence played couple of daily quests.

It was a good day for me with daily quest I got to complete with Water Splinter, which is one of my favorites and guess what?

I got a Legendary Almo Cambio from one of the chests as part of daily quest rewards!!!!!!

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Wow!!!! look at this hollow man kind of monster.

This guy is from neutral category belonging to Rewards cards and he is a no attack monster and costs 7 mana cost and it comes with 6 speed and initial health of 16!!!

Full statistics are as shown in below screenshot.

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It has by default the Immunity ability which voids him from getting affected by negative status effects that may be set by summoner or monsters.

As it is leveled up to level 2, it gets that new ability of Phase which will gives it a chance to miss the magic attack from other side of the lineup.

Further upgrade to level 3 will give it the ability of Return Fire to throw back fire at ranged attack monsters and these are some nice abilities for a neutral monster and makes it on par with Lord Arianthus and Gelatinous Cube.

The final ability it gets when leveled up to level 4 is the Magic Reflect to attack back the magic monsters when they attack it!!!!!

Overall, this is a good addition to the monsters I have and my quest to level up and add more and more gold foiled monsters continues.

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This monster right now costs $9 as per market price as we see above and there are 44 cards under circulation as we can see from below market details for this card.


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My Collection of Gold Foiled Legendaries:


Although not many, the 3 gold foiled legendary monsters I have are true legends as we can see from above screenshot.

That magic monster from Water Splinter, Phantom of the Abyss gives 4 magic attack and has abilities like reducing opponent's melee attack and it can evade the melee and ranged attack because of dodging ability.

The second one is from Death Splinter and it's a Taunt ability monster to attract all the attack towards it and it being a flying monster and can keep getting a health when a monster dies because of scavenge ability.

The Third one is a true gold foiled legendary as it's name itself Gold Dragon and it gives 3 magic attack and it's a healing monster besides being a flying one to evade melee and ranged attacks.

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Regular Legendary Monsters I Have:


The above list has the full list of regular Legendary monsters I have and it's quite a nice collection right?

Summoner Yodin Zaku is the most favorite among all these monsters as it's the one which rules Splinterlands battles in most of the cases.

There are couple of healing monsters in Kron The Undying and Cornealus.

There are 2 Taunt ability monsters in Magnor and The Krakken and are among the most used monsters by me.

The others like Ancient Lich, Robo-Dragon Knight are good to be used in any lineup.

Not that vast one, but this list of Legendary monsters gives more chances of winning the battles.

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This new addition to my list of Legendaries will be a more valuable one considering it is on par with Lord Arianthis which I don't own and Gelatinous Cube which I have and this has different abilities and can be more useful in certain battle rulesets.

The season will end in about 6 hours and I could reach Gold II in this season and will try to make it even further, may be Diamond III atleast and maximize the chests as much as possible to have more chances of getting another Legendary monster hopefully.

Thanks as always to all of you who have supported me and I will continue to write more quality blogs in the future.

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Join now and start battling and have fun and also earn rewards in the form of Crypto and even you can trade the monsters cards on market to earn Crypto.

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