in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)


This week we are using one over the overlooked tanks for the Earth Team. Venari Knifer isn't your normal self-healing Golem or Pelacor but he still has a place on the team. I am glad that the card gets to show off how good it is in some battles. Make sure you check out the Challenge here if you want to take part in it. I know that it helps me grow this account a lot.

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I got lucky and pulled a gold one on this account so I have a level 3. I also have a level 2 summoner so that is why I show this. When we look at the stats for the card it has thorns and good speed okay hit points and solid damage. It isn't going to destroy the other team but is very use full. In super sneak or melee can attack from anywhere it is easy to get Venari Knifer on the board. If you play some cards to give her armor or shrooms to make sure mages are not too strong she can also tank. She will doge a bit and when she is hit might deal damage back. When she gets to a high level he picks up phase so now you just need to focus on a speed boost to make sure she can dodge all attacks. It does combo well with ample cards also. I prefer to use the Queen M if you have it when this card works really well. For sure it isn't always your first choice but it can give you good RNG to win a match you might have lost.

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The Line Up
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Even after the update in silver 3, I am seeing level 1 cards that are letting me win a bit more. But in the equalizer fight, I went with the Venari Knifer as my tank and then backed it up with 3 mages. I went with a healer and a card with affliction to try and pull off the I can heal and you can't. When it came to the disciple that was maybe risky but was the best card I had left. I would have loved a 0 cost card to get another 10 hp guy don't he board but I don't have one. Lucky neither did he. Our lineups are very close with the same mage damage in the back and same damage tanks but would my skills win out? Could thorns beat void in a match like this? You can watch the full replay here to find out a bit faster but let's get into the rounds.

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Round 1
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With magic boosted now at least I will be able to hurt his Unicorn but can I land that affliction because without it this doesn't look good with my mages doing half damage. I do have one that does 3 so it will hit for 2 but if all his guys hit and my heal doesn't go off my Knifer is dead. The round starts with my Knifer landing a blow for 3 and then taking for 3 but dealing 2 back to drop the Unicorn to 5, not a bad exchange. Next, the goes the 2-speed mage mine first. Now he is at 4 and I am at 5. Then my Legendary card goes to drop him to 3 and then the princess fires and I am 3. The next attack could be the game if I go first my Knifer lives if not it dies. Wow, I did it and got off the heal and then get hit for 3. WE go into the next round with my tank at 3 and his at 4 after the heal.

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Round 2
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Dr. Blight failed to get the affliction so the Unicor did get a heal. Now my Knifer is going to strike first. Nice his speed will let him get off 3 damage and when the unicorn hits him back the thorns will finish it off. I feel okay about that trade but in a crazy move, the Unicorn misses. That 5-speed pays off with some super lucky RNG. After that my 2-speed mage kills off the Unicorn and while the Knifer doesn't make it through the round he takes hits from both the 2 damage mages. This round I would have rather his goblin attack first but mine did so I didn't get off a heal and no affliction again. We head into round 3 pretty even still.

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Round 3
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Well, look at that he had taken a little lead. I am going to need some more RNG and maybe a skill to hit to get back into the lead in this one. I get just want the Dr. ordered when he lands affliction and I get my heal off before my guy can die. That was such a major swing in the other direction that it put me in a great place going into round 4.

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Round 4
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Look at that I am going to kill the process and it will happen before she attacks. If I get my heal off before his Goblin attacks. Then I won't lose my first mage yet. Not only does that happen but Dr. Blight came in and got the affliction on the first attack on the Goblin Physic. Not only did he not kill my mage we stopped the healer from being able to heal and took over this fight going into round 5.

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Round 5
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He can't heal anymore so now it is just about the attacks going off. I get a bit more luck as my guy with 1 hp gets his attack off first before dying. It also appears that gold doesn't work as I just remembered his level 1 summoner means my level 2 always goes first. See it wasn't RNG it was spending a bit more to level up my cards.

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Round 6
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It would take one more round to end this fight but I will end my recap here as you can see it will just take 2 rounds of damage to finish this fight.

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I don't think either of us had the cards for perfect teams but mine were leveled up so they went first. That played a major part in my win. I know in round 2 it looked like I might lose. Yet in the end, I won with a lot of a lead. I hope you enjoyed my battle breakdown. Make sure you sign up to player Splinterlands and earn money while you do it.


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Thanks for sharing! - Legalizabrazil#3575

Thanks for share.