hoffmeister84 cross-posted this post in Splinterlands 2 years ago

Splinterlands Card Giveaway #11

Splinterlands Giveaway.png

Hey all, it's @hoffmeister84 this is my next giveaway of Splinterlands cards. It will be a different card each time and continue to get better. Hopefully it helps someone along the way!

Chaos Knight.png

Hill Giant.png

Venari Crystalsmith.png

Card Giveaway #11 - Hill Giant (Common Earth), Chaos Knight (Common Life) and Venari Crystalsmith (Rare Life)

To qualify for the draw you must follow me and comment with your Splinterlands username.

There will be three winners in this draw. (1 card each)

Winners will be selected after 7 days. Good luck and keep an eye out for the next giveaway.

Results from Giveaway #10

Winner (Selected with Hive Random Winner Picker http://filoz.info/picker/)





Participants List (Please comment if you want to be removed)

@irisworld, @luizeba, @amaillo-m, @bt34, @stekene, @menetios45, @tub3r0, @litrydow, @henster, @henruc, @matimath, @jmehta, @neddykelly, @lovefallen, @sylmarill, @ghostlybg, @stamato, @relf87, @urkanon, @lorddiablo, @highfist, @yasky, @gs1, @filuris, @pero82, @iuriomagico, @subidu, @ninosplinter, @pablodare, @shinoumonk, @mryoung1979, @mairapanelo, @gessy, @tengolotodo, @pablodare, @qoogohome, @shinoumonk, @ygramul, @kyo-gaming, @stamato, @blitzzzz, @isnochys, @mauriciolimax, @xykorlz,


Венари-Кристластер (Редкая жизнь). @pesigolovec