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RE: Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - April 18th, 2022 - 1PM Eastern!

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Actually, what is really harming the game are the bots and in their obsession with being a decentralized game and not wanting to ban them, they take measures that really do not harm the bots, I think they harm real people and as long as they do not stop the bleeding as you say, they really go the same problems keep coming up. The issue of continually releasing packs of cards is another problem, if they don't let the supply be absorbed, they will never increase in value for those who invest in the game, they already fill their pockets with millions of dollars in each sale of packs.


As I listened to the AMA and heard @yabapmatt say over and over again that all he thinks about is the player to player economy and adding value to assets without enriching themselves all I could think of was how many choices they make that do the exact opposite of that.

If my card collection going form $200k to $50k is them working to build value, I'm begging them to please stop bringing me value. PLEASE STOP.

@yabapmatt Please for the love of god. Stop adding supply. The creation of supply is not the same as the creation of value.

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