Splinterlands Chaos Legion Pack Opening and Giveaway #8: "Rainbow Pack!"

in Splinterlands2 years ago


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Chaos Legion is here, and I decided I'd like to start early: I opened my last Vouchered Pack from the Phase II sale, and I plan to giveaway some cards from each pack I open from now until the Chaos Legion sells out! Each pack, I'll briefly talk about the cards I get, and give away a card, or two, or three!

That's right, Giveaways are back! But first...:

Let's check out the pack opening!:


Obviously the highlight of this pack is Pelacor Arbalest and overall, this was a pretty poor pack in my opinion... 1 Manas, a no ability Cruel, Scavo, and Pelacor... But they can't all be winners.

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Card Tips & Tricks


Carrion Shade

Normal Foil, Common, Death Monster

A better 1 mana card than Cursed Slimeball (for low levels guys!), this is a nice 1 mana to have, I totally recommend getting a GF of this card for an easy 10% DEC Bonus to your earnings.

He's not great anywhere, I would say his best use is in Poison, as a Scavenger feeder card, and in Earthquake where, at level 3, he has Flying and ignores the damage. He's also decent in Melee Attacks from Anywhere, Opportunity, Armored Up, and Equalizer

I don't recommend him in high mana, or when 2 or 3 mana is available for another, more usable card.

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Scavo Chemist

Normal Foil, Common, Fire Monster

The Cleanse card that Fire really needed in a non-legendary: Shame that it came along with a Neutral Healing Tank and an Immunity Tank in the same set, this hurts Scavo's usefulness, but don't worry, he makes up for it later on, and he is STILL crucial in Poison matches. A more situational card, but as a low mana, he meets the criteria for me to recommend him as a GF, it's easy to work him in for a bonus 10% DEC.

I don't recommend him in many rulesets except Poison, at least, at Level 1.

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Cruel Sethropod

Normal Foil, Common, Water Monster

Okay, so I may be like, this is probably one of the more meh packs, and I specifically called this guy out as a no ability monster, but he's really quite good in low mana Water. As a 3 mana, I'll say it here too: This is a solid card to snag as a GF, simply on the premise that you WILL be able to fit him into nearly any Low Mana or Mid Mana team, but, because of his lack of abilities, he becomes less and less viable if you're playing in Silver, Gold, Diamond, etc.

With a decent health pool for the mana, he's an armored version of Hill Giant, which, admittedly, makes him worse against magic, but he's still pretty solid, and I like to use him in Reverse Speed and Earthquake

I avoid using him in No Armor or Poison rulesets.

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Pelacor Arbalest

Normal Foil, Rare, Life Monster

I gotta say, it bothers me that our little Pelacor guy doesn't get Flying until so late, but he's still a great damage dealer, as a squishy Axe Master of Life, he's dangerous and hits hard, but falls prey to, well, just about anything.

Due to his low speed, he's pretty great in Reverse Speed and Double Strike makes him great in Opportunity, Unprotected, and Snipe... as long as you're protecting him properly. Truthspeaker is a nice start.

I do NOT recommend him in No Armor, Poison or Earthquake until he gains Flying

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Mycelic Morphoid

Normal Foil, Common, Earth Monster

And the last of the pack, a rainbow of every base Splinter, it's time for Mycelic Morphoid, one of my personal favorites out of the 1 mana cards: I totally recommend getting a Gold, thorny thorn in your side.

Throw him in the back, throw him in the front: Thorns is all that matters. He's a great offensive defender for your team, and that bonus 10% DEC is easy to snag with a card like him.

Don't use him in Poison or Earthquake though.

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Giveaway Time!

So this time, with 1 of every Splinter in my pack, I think I should do a Rainbow Giveaway I will be choosing 2 Players for this giveaway, please READ THIS ONE, as it is different from my usual...

Upvotes, Follows, and Tips are OPTIONAL, you do NOT need to do this, but they are always always appreciated!

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Here are the rules:

  • Comment your IGN AND your favorite Splinter, this will decide what you are given: A 1 Mana of your Splinter AND a random common of that splinter as well. If you comment Dragon, I will give you a random 1 Mana and a random common. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS IS A REROLL.
  • Enter ONLY once: I've noticed some multi accounters lately, please don't enter more than once
  • Have Fun!

That's it! You'll be entered into all drawings, although you can only win once per Giveaway Post!

Giveaway will be drawn using the Wheel of Names when this post pays out 7 days from now!

To repeat that: 2 Winners who leave their IGN and their favorite Splinter will receive a 1 Mana and a random common from that Splinter.

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Previous Giveaway Results!


We had a good amount of comments this time, with 37 comments and removing the bots, and then adding back in my referrals, we had a total of 42 Entries.

The winner of the Stitch Leech, who's gunna be taking home on leechy boi? It's @relf887, congratulations buddy!

The winner of the Kulu Swimhunter, a cthulhu esque nightmare, is going to be none other than... @cjames-40! Congratz!

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Ongoing Giveaways

Check out my Splinterlands Share Your Battle with a Chaos Knight Giveaway here

Check out my Splinterlands Gladis Pack Opening here, with a Venari Bonesmith and an Exploding Rats!

Want a nice broccoli crop from dCrops? Get it here

Looking for a Rising Stars giveaway? How about a Wes and Angie?


𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕟 𝕌𝕡 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕊𝕡𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕨!

Website | White Paper | Discord | Hive Blog | My Referral

Wanna join the Chaos Legion? Play with me on Splinterlands!

if you use my link, here: https://splinterlands.com?ref=jakkal

I'll send you 100 DEC when you sign up and get a spellbook, (as long as you show up as referred) which should help you get started via renting! Also, feel free to message me, I can answer any questions, give tips, etc.

You ALSO get entered into every giveaway that I do, and sometimes I'll do special Referral only giveaways and delegations, which will be starting back up again soon as well!


Great!, Count me in, my favorite splinter is Earth(Green) , my IGN: @caimanx

Hello, mate! Please, count me in for the giveaway!!

IGN: @luizeba

Favourite Splinter: Blue!

!Gif pizza party

@arpuch- death splinter. !LOLZ

The first time I saw my future Wife was at the local Zoo.
I just knew she was a keeper.

Credit: reddit
@jakkal, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @arpuch
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (10/10)

Failingforwards love earth for thorns and versatility

count me in and please notify me @asrullpare
favorite death splinter

blue! my ign is mechaking25

Hi, thanks for the giveaway! IGN: @lorddiablo

My favourite Splinter is Blue! ;)

IGN: @bfciv
Splinter: Earth

Count me in ..
I'll go for earth.

ign: @edskymiguel

i would say dragon if i have those powerful and expensive cards, since not water it is. IGN @cibi

My Favorite Splinter is Death

IGN:evanr lol

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the March 1st Hive Power Up Day
Our Hive Power Delegations to the February PUM Winners

my Favorite Splinter is Life Splinter

my Favorite Splinter is Life Splinter


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@vrezyy(3/5) tipped @jakkal (x2)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

I am in! 😎
I love Life splinter

My favourite Splinter is Water! Thanks! @relf87

Thanks! count me in with the dragons splinter!!


Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz

My favorite splinter is water!

I guess my favorite splinter is earth, gotta love some goblins


Good luck everyone @noctury
Splinter: Dragon

My fav Splinters are the water ones!

I go with Life Splinter @jdike

IGN: tub3r02
I like MYCELIC MORPHOID thank you in advance

I want to join
Favorite splinter: Earth Splinter
IGN: orebutb3

Count me in! Favourite splinter is Water!

Count me in :)
Favourite splinter: Fire
IGN: @gluthor

Thanks for the giveaway. My current favorite splinter is Water.


life splinter



My favorite splinter is fire


Earth green is my favourite splinter
Thanks for your giveaway 😁 and congratulations to the winner 👏
Wishing you a wonderful weekend 😀 Please count me in @tengolotodo