How The 'Play To Earn' Brand Might Be Hurting Splinterlands

in Splinterlands2 years ago


We're so early to this blockchain gaming thing...

I come from the old 'Call of Duty' gamer background that never in a million years, did I think I would be rewarded monetarily for my effort in said game. I played it, because I loved it. And built some amazing friendships with guys that I have to this day.

But being 'paid' to play Call of Duty...Was never in the cards.

Speaking of cards....

Here comes Splinterlands!

One of the 'O.G.'s' of this brand new thing called...Play To Earn. Or Play 2 Earn...Or whatever it's called lol. The general idea is that, you start owning assets in a game and are rewarded for playing the game.

Personally I think this brand does a disservice to Splinterlands because of what I'm about to share, right or wrong...This is the experience from every day players and results from 'playing...To earn'.


These are my daily rewards today from doing the daily quest. It was recently announced that there are major changes coming to the way these daily rewards are distributed, and should encourage more activity across the community.

But let's see why some people...Might not believe that to be the case.

I spent 750 DEC to get my extra 5 chests today, and am in the 'Gold 2' division.

I have about 2.7 million collection power, mostly because I got in at the right time in this game but for newer players jumping in...Without a sizeable investment in their cards, they won't be expecting massive returns right now.

In the future? Who knows, if you believe in the game like I do...You are thinking years down the road. But everyday people may not feel that way...

So anyways, I earned about $0.36 worth of cards, a few potions, and 13 DEC which currently is worth about a penny.

Remember I also spent about 80 cents or so to get those 750 DEC needed for the extra potions...So today, in my daily quest, I actually lost money.

Again, for someone like myself...I don't care. Because I think the bigger 'pay day' will be in a few years from now. But you can see how this doesn't really translate into 'Play 2 Earn' at all...

I then read this post on my friend's Facebook wall. This guy has spent the better part of 7 months playing the game, investing a few bucks in to it but just reading this....You can feel the frustration:


This sucks...Because this guy was a passionate creator in the Splintertalk platform and was awesome to watch as he grew in his knowledge of the game.

But can you see his concerns?

To people looking at this as a Play To Earn game...It just falls short of that description. And while it's true, some of the larger accounts will smile all the way to the bank, for games to truly become adopted by every day people it needs to cater to....Every day people. And not just the elite that have the big banks.

And no I'm not suggesting there is anything wrong with Splinterlands as a whole. I love the game. It's actually one of the only investments I've ever made in my life that's actually translated into a win for me lol But that's what most people might not understand...

There is an investment, not only in TIME but also in developing your assets in this game.

For newer players, that might just be more than they are willing to do....To play a game.

What's the solution?

I think the brand of 'play to earn' may hurt more than it helps. Because when you say..Play to earn, no one thinks....

Play to earn....(only if you have a sizeable account and have invested time and money into this game)

Again, this game is amazing. I love it, and it's something I truly believe in....

However maybe it's time, for Splinterlands to re-brand itself into something more attractive for the masses. And if anyone can do it, this game can...Heck, it's the pioneer of all these blockchain games so why the heck not ;)

What are your thoughts on...The play to earn brand?


Games ought to have primarily intrinsic fun--that is what a game is. Earnings should be just a bonus (although it is great when the winnings are big.) Yodin

LOL Thanks for checking out my post via ListNerds ;)

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"Play to Earn" is an over-hyped term that makes people expect to get value for free, just by investing their time. Few games are actually offering this. Those which do often end up in economic troubles because their game assets are quickly devalued as more and more players (and bots!) are dumping their rewards for their share of "Play to Earn".

Splinterlands itself is not even using this term anymore. "Pay to Earn" would be more appropriate but sounds boring and lame and also kind of misses the bigger picture.

Maybe something like "Play to Own" would be better, as it highlights the benefits over the legacy gaming industry where you don't own your games, items and achievements. Whether you are earning with this or not is secondary and different from game to game.

Personally, I see myself as a collector first (own). Splinterlands assets are very rare and cards are even hyper-deflational. I don't even play the actual game myself for two years and yet I am spending hours each day in front of it, managing it (work) and having fun (play) while doing so. I am playing a different game within the same game. And I know that my value is being protected by the blockchain as well as by the developers, who know better than most in this industry how their implemented economics will over time elevate this entire Splinterverse. I did this long before there was any significant value in playing or renting (although admittedly I did expect that value will come over time).

!1UP 🍄!PIZZA 🍕!BEER 🍺!PGM 🎮And expect the @curation-cartel soontm


Thanks for stopping by man!

Yeah I love that angle...Play to own is a much better way to frame the Splinterlands experience. And like you said, it's always been their mission to put ownership of the assets into people's hands!

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How dont ppl make money on this I havent played since I I sold my old deck for about 40K I bootstrapped it last year.

Very impressive, I should have done the same. Instead I sat on all my stuff the entire time.

Now I have plowed that into SPS right now 250K and 3.6 million SPT and going to get 1 million and 20 million so I have some real infuence.

I believe that was a good choice with SPS. No idea about SPT but as a fellow whale and Splinterlands-believer I salute you. With 20 million SPT you will not just have some influence, you will be 4x larger than the largest stakeholder. The only force larger than you would be Splinterlands holdings and the combined delegated power on @monster-curator, which I am managing.

May I ask what your intentions for SPT are?

Also if you are serious and have the skills to make my investment club better and also improve the game and HIVE I will give you 1750 of equity all you need to do is complete 1K in bank bonus referrals after we talk bc I need to talk to anyone I work with on phone or video chat. Just dont want to wrk with strangers.

I have literally no idea what any of that means.

The overall Idea is [...]

Maybe you are confusing me with somebody else. But none of that sounds like something I want my name to be associated with, even if I would have the capital - which I don't.

I feel your friend's facebook post. I don't play to much anymore ranked battles. I mostly just play my guild's Brawl's. I think the play 2 earn moniker has hurt as just the term play 2 earn is now lumped into "being a scam". There is a lot of hate out there for anything NFT. And these games are getting lumped into that I feel.

I love the game, but I really don't like playing it much more. Your friend's criticisms are legit IMO. I struggle at Bronze and have been playing for awhile now. With the power creep of the new Chaos Legion set, all of my previous strategies no longer work and having to learn the new cards strengths/weaknesses is frustrating. And don't get me started about bots.

Honestly, I think pitching the game as play 2 earn helped in the beginning. But now it's hurting the game. As it's attracted "players"(I say that loosely) just looking to extract value from the game as opposed to actual skill and competition. More thought is going into rental strategies and ROI on those rentals. I even see that in my guild's discord convos.

The game is good. I just want to play other people. Brag on your wins, talk a little trash, catch it from your friends when you lose , have some fun. When it's becoming a business and in some cases a livelihood, the stakes are raised and it's no longer a game. Maybe that's why I just do brawls.

Yeah, I think play 2 earn is becoming poison. It's over promising and under delivering. I may be wrong, but that's how I feel.

That's a great point...Especially if the game wants to become a focal point of different streaming platforms...The competition must be front and center. Not the extraction of value.

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I don't play as much anymore and I honestly prefer the rental market. I did some comparisons of what I was earning over the past and the rewards we are getting now are worth a lot less. There are just way too many people I see now that complain that they can't get DEC or rewards. So I also feel it's a bit overpromising and under-delivering.

That guy does have a point. What makes this huge gap between the players is the NFTs and how to acquire them. A perfect play-to-earn game would be something where the amount or rarity correlates to how much time and effort are put into the game. Not money. This is, of course, impossible cos eventually those who put in an effort become whales themselves and that's how it goes.

Time invested...Is still an investment. I think this is VERY important for developers to remember.

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Play to earn is general a time sink. Payouts are in the penny's per hour range.
I am looking forward to the new reward payouts to see if those that invest time will get more value out of the game.

Crossing my fingers too man. I hope they figure it out!

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Yeah, it's my impression Splinterlands is trying to detach itself from this 'play2earn' tag. I heard one of the marketing guys from them (I believe), in one of the previous town halls trying to coin "play AND earn" instead. Personally, I don't like the 'play2earn' tag and I don't think it represents Splinterlands. It induces the idea that the way to earn is by playing (as much as possible), which for best earners from the Splinterlands ecosystem is probably the least lucrative way to earn.

Very true.

Yeah the tag does a lot of harm because like you mentioned, that just doesn't represent the game now.

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I think play to earn is making people have the expectations that they will get rich. There is a visible difference in the rewards I get now compared to what I was getting a year ago when Splinterlands was under the radar. It's something I have seen a lot of people in the gaming community (not blockchain) have voiced and it's because the purpose isn't to have fun anymore.

I understand the frustration, but with anything in life, you also need to invest some money and time into things. Something doesn't come from nothing (unless you believe in evolution).

However, I'm struggling to get started in P2E as I want to have fun playing as Priority 1 and earning will be second or I wont stick at it.

Im also from the COD days and now Fortnite. Those can be also be play 2 earn on the blockchain. You just gotta be creative IMO. How about starting some streaming? Producing some content. Creating a hive layer 2 token for COD or Fortnite etc..

We're Hive, we've got this!!

That's why something like PsyberX is such an attractive project. FPS in this kind of environment!!

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Yes, I'm following the project closely! :)

I think some people think that "Play to Earn" is "Get Rich Quickly" from playing games. Too many people think they can make a lot of money from gaming when they first start. This is never the case. Even in the Esports world off blockchain, the "Play to Earn" pros have put thousands of hours into playing before they enter those tournaments that pay the big money. People think that investing time and/or investing money into a game should be enough and let you earn a living playing games. There is a whole lot more to it than that. Let's say that the same person was lucky enough to have won the Gold Foil "Yodin" which is now on the market for $12,000. Would they win enough to make a living playing the game? I think not. "Play to Earn" does not mean "Make Tons of Cash". This is my opinion. LOL


Speaking from someone who recently sold a GF Yodin lol It isn't going to pay the bills for long lol

Thanks for checking out the post in ListNerds!

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Perhaps, "play to invest" is a more appropriate brand. 😄 I actually have the same feeling for the last four seasons more or less. I am not mentioning it directly in my Splinterlands' posts for somehow the rewards in participating in weekly posting challenges compensate for the reduction in in-game incentives.

Yes, there was a big change really since I started last August. Bronze then was more profitable than Silver III now. At first, I just took it for granted. Before, the rewards can pay more than the rental fee. Now, little by little and season by season, the DEC collection of the three Bronze accounts of my family is gradually diminishing and that's the reason why I play less. As for my Silver III account, no problem with small incentives.

I don't remember winning over Yodin. 😆


I haven't been paying attention...But I think the rental markets have really suffered becaue of this as well?

Thanks for checking out the post via ListNerds!

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Soon, it will the popular term "play-to-earn" will evolve into many sub categories, giving more clarity for different play style of the crypto games. Some will be move-to-earn, own-to-earn etc. I believe splinterlands will be play-to-own-to-earn.

I love the 'play to own' idea..That just makes sense here!

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I think there is a pretty big barrier to entry on Splinterlands vs other Hive based games. Like you said, you have to have really good cards and the learning curve is pretty steep. If you can't or don't want to invest alot of time into it and don't have alot of money to put in it's going to be difficult to make any progress or ROI.
I know that is why I have just stuck to the passive side of it.
I have one card I am renting out and a few packs that are unopened. It's just too hard to get my head around it beyond that.
But that's just my opinion. And I don't mean to sound like I am hating on it.

Yeah, if you have deep pockets, this can become a great income generator...but if you don't, oh boy lol

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It's a bit more of a challenge then. My assets are allocated and prioritized in other areas. It is fun seeing what other people are doing on their Splinterlands journeys though. 😀 Happy Wednesday!

Looking forward to what you come up with as a solution, @bcarolan639! Happy Sunday😀

I am good right now, thanks @bcarolan639. Best of luck with that. I hope it works for you. Have a great day.😀

I think if that is what you are playing games for is the play to earn you will always be dissapointed and a little short changed.

Any gambling and that is what play to earn is, if you have to make an inital investment for the possiblity of earning more in a game, it is gambling the only people that truely win are the house.

Professional gamers buy games, play them for awhile then move on with the hope they have earned more than they spent on any particular game.

Will be completely honest i think it is all pay to play.

Time, money or both it is all the same at the end of the day someone has to pay somewhere. 😎

If you get personal value whatever that maybe, should be all that matters in my humble opinion.

Have the best weekend @jonnycoin


Thanks for sharing sir!

Yeah, time invested is HUGE. And the more that is treated with respect, the better.

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The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-0.00000001 BTC (SWWAP.BTC)

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@jonnycoin! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @benthomaswwd. (13/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

You have that contagious passion mixed with charisma that makes you such a great community leader.

Thanks man, appreciate that!

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I think you should play the game, any game because you enjoy it not because you are getting paid.