Progress of the top guilds in Splinterlands

in Splinterlands9 months ago

This post contains

  • Total crowns won by top 70 guilds
  • List of the 50 players that are closest to completing their Gladius collection.
  • Table of the number of maxed gladius cards in the top 20 guilds.
  • Charts of
    • Total crowns won over time per guild (top 30)
    • Average crowns gained per set of 5 brawls over time (top 30)
    • Brawl win percentage per set of 5 brawls over time (top 30)

Total Crowns Won

#GuildTotal Crowns
#1Summoner's Tribe23673
#2The Guild of Neoxian22649
#3Immortal Gods20769
#4Legendary Dragons20428
#5[KoG] Shield of Glory16123
#6Team Possible15345
#7Samurai Soul 🗻 LLAC14978
#8PeakMonsters [PREMIERE]14861
#9Knights United14265
#10The Anti Social Club12717
#11Team Possible Power12516
#12YGG Brawlers (Ásgard)12460
#13✨[RKO] Outta Nowhere 🧨12271
#14Legendary Wyverns11869
#15Legendary Raptors11586
#16[KoG] Guardians of Glory10944
#17YGG Brawlers (Niflheim)10827
#18PeakMonsters [CHAMPS]10656
#19T&A Legion I10648
#20PeakMonsters Legion10388
#21Dec Hunters9934
#23Legendary Whelps9825
#24Immortal Army9500
#25Team Possible Diamond9466
#26Hydra Kids, Hydra Wife9378
#27PeakMonsters Pirates9370
#28The Wizards9301
#29Legendary Wizards9265
#30PeakMonsters [Vikings]9210
#31Team Possible Hackers9150
#32Legendary Unicorns8919
#33Roaring Twenties8864
#34Digitspin FuriousChickens8862
#35Plan B8814
#36YGG Brawlers (Niðavellir)8749
#37PeakMonsters Embryon8603
#38YGG Knights8401
#39The Grand Praetorian Army8392
#40Archmage Arius' Disciples8389
#41Phoenix IVY8382
#43YGG Fighting Illini8158
#44The Shadow Over Hyboria8003
#45Splinter Ops7819
#47Immortal Gods 27666
#48[KoG] Aegis of Glory7657
#49[YGG] Legion7651
#50T&A Legion X7622
#52YGG Dragons7437
#53GOAT Gang7328
#54[KoG] Cards Of Fury7161
#56Peakmonsters [Asia]7129
#57S Family6701
#58PeakMonsters RiftWatchers6689
#59[KoG] No Guts No Glory6617
#60Aggressive Gamblers6594
#61PeakMonsters Landlubbers6582
#63Furious Chickens 🐔6309
#64Pwnd Monsters6194
#65NFT Italia6158
#66Legendary Monsters5825
#67PeakMonsters Hurricane5757
#68第一公會 #1 GUILD5755
#69The MobyDicks5752


Top 50 players by Gladiator progress

#1jacekwSummoner's Tribe88
#2taugLegendary Dragons86
#3bubkeImmortal Gods84
#4gikerSummoner's Tribe83
#5xawiThe Guild of Neoxian81
#6imperfect-oneSummoner's Tribe80
#7xadragonThe Guild of Neoxian80
#8matt-dubSummoner's Tribe79
#9moriarty95Legendary Dragons78
#10cyberblockSummoner's Tribe74
#11schneegeckoLegendary Dragons74
#12zakuThe Guild of Neoxian74
#13vugtis[KoG] Shield of Glory73
#14spirits4youLegendary Dragons73
#15akomoajongThe Guild of Neoxian73
#16khazrakhSummoner's Tribe72
#17teddykgbSummoner's Tribe72
#18louis88Legendary Dragons70
#19vettevTeam Possible69
#20raynieImmortal Gods69
#21uwelangLegendary Dragons69
#22browarriorThe Guild of Neoxian68
#23frostaLegendary Dragons68
#24g1k3rSummoner's Tribe67
#25ts-warriorThe Guild of Neoxian67
#26maybenexttimeLegendary Dragons67
#27toocuriousImmortal Gods66
#28lostintimeLegendary Dragons65
#29byzantinistSummoner's Tribe65
#30bulldog1205Summoner's Tribe65
#31infinityx22Immortal Gods65
#32goodasgoldImmortal Gods65
#33zagorlord[KoG] Shield of Glory65
#34xsuilx[KoG] Guardians of Glory64
#35byzantinekittySummoner's Tribe64
#36zawarriorThe Guild of Neoxian63
#37shadowwolf888[KoG] Guardians of Glory63
#38orrkisThe Anti Social Club63
#39wolf-slLegendary Dragons62
#40trulsKnights United62
#41steemitromney[KoG] Shield of Glory61
#42hametaroSamurai Soul 🗻 LLAC61
#43profkaosYGG Brawlers (Ásgard)60
#44clove71Immortal Gods60
#45simsahasLegendary Dragons59
#46star-shroud[KoG] Shield of Glory59
#47victor-alexanderLegendary Dragons59
#48broxiLegendary Dragons58
#49maisiewssYGG Brawlers (Ásgard)58
#50digital-wisdomTeam Possible58


Maxed Gladiators total in Guild

#GuildMaxed CommonsMaxed RaresMaxed EpicsMaxed Legendaries
#1Summoner's Tribe02248
#2The Guild of Neoxian01354
#3Immortal Gods0415
#4Legendary Dragons010111
#5[KoG] Shield of Glory0004
#6Team Possible0003
#7Samurai Soul 🗻 LLAC0002
#8PeakMonsters [PREMIERE]0001
#9Knights United0001
#10The Anti Social Club0002
#11Team Possible Power0000
#12YGG Brawlers (Ásgard)0002
#13✨[RKO] Outta Nowhere 🧨0000
#14Legendary Wyverns0000
#15Legendary Raptors0000
#16[KoG] Guardians of Glory0000
#17YGG Brawlers (Niflheim)0001
#18PeakMonsters [CHAMPS]0000
#19T&A Legion I0000
#20PeakMonsters Legion0000

Total Crowns Over Time

Top 10







Average crowns gained over time

Top 10







Win percentages over time

Top 10








This is a good post.

This is the reason, the rewards were adjusted


A more detailed discussion with the author can be found here


I appreciate that the author understands the issue and 100% willing to rectify it

Upvoted to counter trolling downvotes and improve visibility of the explanation

wtf you talking about rewards adjustments and give yourself an upvote on your own comment here?




NOW. I am giving you a DV. Deal with it :)

and on what grounds did you downvote this?
because I think that "to prevent trolldownvote" is not a good argument?
What gives you the right to suppress my opinion here and make it not visible with downvotes?

@broxi one good speech in here:


If you don't and troll, I will have to mute you

What if I don't do what?
you mean read?
I did this, but claiming to prevent troll downvotes is not a good argument for giving yourself upvotes in my opinion.

And btw i´m not a troll. 🍻

Sad to see a downvote on great and useful content but it is the way it is with the guardians here

There is nothing sad about it.

Reward adjustments are part of hive ecosystem. A detailed and clear conversation was had with the user and positive changes have been made.

Thanks for explaining

Reward adjustments are part of hive ecosystem.

and where is the adjustment on this post?

really over 50$ for a salad?

You should adjust it yourself. I only have limited DV power.

why should I do this?
I'm not acting like a sheriff on the blockchain here. In addition, I don't think that I should distribute downvotes here and that is not my job here either.
But you seem to have this role written on your chest. However, you seem to make huge differences between people you like and people you obviously dislike.
If you already believe that you feel responsible for reward adjustments here on the blockchain, you should do the same to everyone (including people you might know.) Because if we are all equal here, then you should also treat everyone equally.

You can believe and act whichever way you like. I am not in charge of your emotional well being :) This is my last comment on this subject and my last comment to you in general, as I do not know you, and don't want to know you either. Goodbye.

Great post!Keep up the good work!

This is some very interesting data to share. I am proud of the advancements that #shieldofglory has made in the 18 months that I've been a member, especially with the addition of several alliance guilds under the Kingdom of Glory banner. Long live SoG!

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Thanks for sharing! - @clove71

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Awesome post, thanks a lot for making it!
Didn't expect to be in the top 20 in terms of finishing a full gladiator set.

Great post

Great post and thanks a lot for it. I hate the fact that it's being nuked.

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