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A very interesting article, even though I think it is not the reason why the assets are loosing worth.

They are loosing worth since we have to many BCX available for the players who want them.

Why this? CL was just immensly overprinted. The other editions hold a bit better, but since most players left the game already, even the neweer editions fall, since more players want to sell, than to buy. This can be seen by the great "success" the Baron had. He is an incredible card but the event only brought around 200.000 DEC. Laughable.

If not new impulses to gameplay come, differentiating Splinterlands from all the really good games coming out on other block chains our assets will devalue further until they reach 0 $ worth. Latest when the company is bancrupt.


Maybe you're right, and the reason cards lose value is because there are too many BXCs for too few interested players. However, I interpret that we are losing too many players and therefore there are plenty of cards.

The general perception today is that CL was immensely overprint, but at the time it corresponded to player growth projections. The problem, as you point out, is that the players left the game, and basically because the fall of the crypto market began. And that is the part that bothers me the most about the game, that its financial and economic destiny is so linked to the ups and downs of the crypto market and not to the benefits of the game or the company's ability to keep its players.

I am assuming that it is possible to have a stable and constantly growing economy regardless of the crypto market. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the problem that is preventing the development of the game, and apparently it is an excess of BCXs. After much analysis, from a purely optimistic point of view, I have come to the conclusion that the problem is not so much the excess of BCXs as the perception of usefulness of those BCXs. Nobody is interested in increasing the BCX of their collection because it lacks any financial, economic and, above all, in-game utility.

If there is no natural demand for those BCXs they end up accumulating, and any excessive accumulation of a good that is not in demand is simply garbage. Burning all that excess is not an option either, because it does not change the perception that it is a garbage product and that idea is strengthened in the community. What is required is that each and every one of these cards be useful, and that there are no weak cards but ones with low BCX.

And you are absolutely right, Splinterlands needs a new boost that vitalizes the game and changes the general perception of its current players.

Thank you very much for commenting @kheldard1982, it is really appreciated.

The problem is that the game did not develop further. So other games have overtaken them. On Hive SPL is still the most developed game, but there are a lot of other blockchains, which are having better games in the meantime.

SPL needs to reinvent the game. New game modes and a better new player experience. Having now all players be able to play their best deck against reach other is not exactly a good npe in my opinion.

But who am I. I hope now they will look really into the issues and not only fighting the bots. That is not the main issue.