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RE: Calendar Giveaway + Winner - 22 March 2023 (Ratings!)

Hello my friend,

Yeah a nice day off is always amazing. Luckily I do not need to waste too much time to play with my account thanks to the XBot and I can focus more writing the Battle Challenges! 😁

The Bot can still do a nice 55-60% win rate and many times quicker than me! !LOLZ 😂

The new energy system is similar but I !LUV the idea to get max reward for every battle, because many times I had a lose streak over 90% ECR and lost a lot of resources there.

The one thing (for now 😊) that I would see as a n improvement when you are renting is that if you put a monster in your basket on Peakmonster nobody could take it out from there for like a minute or so. 😎

You wrote a nice post about the new changes and now you know about these things than me! 😅

Take care brother and have a lovely day! 😉


Why did the hipster burn his tongue?
He drank his coffee before it was cool.

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