Splinterlands | Conflict, Ranked Season and Brawl Progress

in Splinterlands2 months ago (edited)

What’s up Splinterlands players!

I hope all of you are doing well in your life and also enjoying this amazing play2earn game at its best! Well, splinterlands has undergone a lot of changes and if you are also a player like me, then I hope you all are coping with all these new changes and changing your strategies accordingly. For me, I am as usual playing in the Champion League but unlike the previous season, I am struggling with my ranked rating and just got able to reach to Champ III tier recently. To be honest, I am really missing the old days when we used to get daily focus and season reward chests and Every time I started playing, I used to aim to collect at least 10 reward chests in focus rewards and often when I was done but so close to getting the next reward chest, I would continue playing for 1 more win in ranked. But as there are no more reward chests with this new ranked update and have been replaced with Glint tokens, I am feeling no more urge to keep on playing. However, one thing I really like about the new Glint token system is the fact that we can buy battle energies with Glint tokens. As I already have most of the SB reward cards at max level, I am using all my earned Glint tokens to buy battle energies and keep playing and collecting more SPS. While with the old reward system, we used to get SPS as well which is now unavailable with the new reward system, but earning SPS indirectly through spending GLINT after battle energy is covering that SPS earning for me.



Moving on, let us now talk about the Conflict and for those who don't know, conflict is the name of the new airdrop system that was introduced recently in this game. Before the Conflict update, airdrop cards used to only be distributed among those who bought a lot of packs from the official shop and there was no appreciation for those who actually held those packs or cards for the long term. But with this new reward system, anyone who stakes packs or cards in their in-game wagons is eligible to get cards from the airdrop and it is a great move from the game makers to encourage players and investors to hold onto their assets for long-term and get rewarded for holding their assets and helping the splinter economy. Like many of you, I am also holding a lot of Rebellion cards in wagons and most of them are max levels so they are earning me a lot of contribution points.


Right now, I am earning exactly 129,926 contribution points per hour and as you know, for every 100k contribution point we get one chance and each chance has a little potential to get you an airdrop card when the card gets distributed. Till now, 2 cards have been airdropped with this new mechanism and we are going towards the third airdrop event which will be happening after 10 days approx. Till now I have collected a total of 617 chances so far and for this upcoming card which is named Venka The Vile, for every 275 chances, there will be 1 guaranteed card given to eligible ones. As per my calculation, by the time the airdrop starts, I would earn enough chances to earn 3 guaranteed cards from this upcoming airdrop and if my luck shines, I can even get 1 or 2 extra like I got 1 extra in the previous airdrop. Now, let me continue collecting these precious chances and hope for the best. Are you also collecting chances by staking Rebellion packs and cards? Let me know in the comments below!



Now, let us take a look at brawls and if you are new to this game, you should know that brawl is another great source of earning SPS and Merit points in this game so don't miss playing brawl at any cost. For me, I have been a proud member of the Neoxian guild for a long time and have been playing Brawl with my guild since the beginning. We partake in every brawl and just today, we finished playing another one and the results also just got out. Gladly, we have secured first place in the leaderboard this time and thanks to our guild owner Mr. Neoxian, guild officer Xawi and all my fellow guild players who participated and played this brawl. As for rewards, our guild earned 182 crowns this time and each player who participated in this brawl and okayed their frays got rewarded with a whooping 13,000 merits and 131.049 SPS each. I am very happy with the rewards and getting a big chunk of merit points just made my day as usually they are so rare to get.



After seeing the brawl result and getting the rewards, I went to the guild ship to see how many Merit points I had collected so far since my last gladius lack opening. I was surprised to see I had already made 25,387 merit points as you can see in my wallet and quickly decided to buy Gladius packs with the chunk. I immediately bought 12 Gladius packs with those merits and opened them all at once and shared the outcome below.



As you can clearly see from the screenshot above, this time my luck shined very well and while I opened only 13 Gladius packs, it brought me 2 legendaries. 3 epics, 1 gold foil common and a handful of rare and common cards. From the pull, I would say the best card that I got was the 2x Quora Nightshade card which is my favorite card in the entire Gladius collection. I also loved getting those 2 legendary cards but wish I could get just 1 more Quora to upgrade mine to level 5. But anyway, I will continue playing and let's see when I get my hands on another BCX of Quora as I can't wait to upgrade my Quora to level 5 and unlock its Dispel ability.

I hope you liked reading my post about my latest activities and progress in the game. Let me know your thoughts about the new update in the comment section and I will be seeing you all in my next post!

Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

Thanks for visiting my post, Please come again!
Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands

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!1UP Good work!


Dafuq @underlock, you gotta stake more PIMP Tokens!
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Thanks for the support lock !pimp !lolz ❤️

You must be killin' it out here!
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They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

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He just needed a little space.

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