My Splinterland Card Drawing #7.

in Splinterlands2 years ago

First, I am sorry for the 12 hours delay I was at the hospital for 16 hours and was too tired to do anything when I got home. I know I said down to every day, but my wife has stage four cancer, and I don't think I will have the time right now to do it every day. I am going to at least give every day a try when it gets there but if I can't do it, I will have to pull it back to every two days. I am sorry and wanted to let you all know a little bit ahead of time in case I need to. I am sure you can understand and if not, I don't care because she comes first.

I am now down to every 2 days, almost hitting that everyday spot. I have decided to add the lore of each card that I put up for prizes, read them if you are interested, together they kind of make a story. I also want to let you know that I will be doing an extra card giveaway at the end of May for either a LEGENDARY or a GOLD FOIL CARD, not quite sure which on yet. It will be more difficult than just entering your IGN, I will let you know that it is going to be a riddle and not an easy one. Congratulations to Dub-c for guessing the right word for the question mark symbol and I hope you like that gold foil card.

I thank all of you for all the support, y'all are awesome and I love this community. Everyone is helpful, supportive and just overall nice!

Congratulations on the to the winners of drawing #6 they got extra Chaos Legion cards for being followers.

The cards are sent.

Screenshot (195).png

Now on to the drawing 7.

I have decided to start giving to the community by holding a card raffle every five days starting off,(Now down to every two days) then decreasing every two raffles, until it is every day.

It will consist of a first, second and third place, randomly selected. The hive that is earned will be used for future contests for more expensive cards. The more followers, upvotes and comments, the better the drawing gets. I have added where you can get extra entries into the drawing not required but very appreciated.

To be entered:
*Comment bellow and like.
*Add your in-game name in comment.
*Repost= extra entry(more than ten followers)
*Mining in the comment with !HBIT= extra entry
*Please follow=extra entry (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place get an extra random card if you are a follower), not required but very appreciated.
*Check out TEERANDOM on TWITCH.TV, follow and get an extra entry into every drawing.


                                         First Place


There are many Orcas in the Splinterlands, but only a small group of them has been captured from the deep, tamed, trained, and made into Battle Orcas. They are controlled by Prince Kaspar, the estranged brother of the Baby Prince Julian of the Gloridax. Kaspar moved to the Water Splinter from his life of luxury in Draykh-Nahka many years ago, seeing a Splinter in which true power and control could be found. With his growing army of Battle Orcas, Prince Kaspar now controls most of the northern coast of Azmaré.

                                         Second Place


These terrifying Spiders are typically found in the darker parts of the Splintral forests. Not only do they sometimes grow to the size of a whole chicken, but they emit a horrible barking sound all night long, as well as an unpleasant odor.

                                         Third Place


Chain Spinners of the Order never show their faces. They were only recently released from Cloudgard Castle, where they were specially trained to hunt down and bring to justice all members of the rebellious sect known as Peacebringers. Their chains, which were ordained as a sacred weapon by the words of a High Priest’s recent vision, represent the wrath of Khymia when her people have failed her for too long. They are currently marching through the Khymerian villages searching everywhere and paying little regard to those who have lived there peacefully for generations. Peacebringer propaganda can already be found blowing in the wind that paints these enforcers not as Khymian or Human, but as heartless creatures of evil Dragon crafting.


Please let me know if you do not want to be on this list for my giveaway's.

@lorddiablo @monster.farmer @teerandom @mattlafourcade @walnutz
@blackfoot92 @aemaez @eirth @alexis666 @fire-> Quoteborn @yasky @Butops
@emitv @jakkal @drnoobpro @shawnmichael-gt @thegoliath @rtonline @eirik @sheikh27 @luizeba @tengolotodo @blitzzzz @dubble @relf87 @mr-house @seeweed @patomal666 @handtalk5 @mcrahman91 @dagz @lofone @jin-out @hatdogsensei @highhaschdi @spicywing @kheldar1982 @tertius @danideuder @circlebubble @lordflu @magalli @cynano @casimirio @kyo-gaming @stekene @bananofarmer @dtam @dewabra @jmehta @makhinoo @amaillo-m @jfang003 @irisworld @pix21 @technocrypton @elfino28 @candnpg @squishna @ghostlybg @gregory-f @taintedblood @screamheart @trashyomen @nex711 @myeong @mairapanelo @thaddeusprime @orebutb3 @tinyputerboy @nysster @instamental @stamato @kimikimi @curtis90 @jingo-submo @lordanquek @ianballantine @vaporent @donpapy @ecto1337 @diochen @deathstarer7 @henruc @scfather @submo @mxm0unite @brando28 @pero82 @pandachef @tub3r0.gaming @highfist @mcrahman91 @tedus @koodies @assasinos3 @derfabs @gondek @lordshah @flummi97 @karmaa13 @lovefallen @tub3r02

There are 2 pages

Hope I get a chance at one of these >:D




!gif good luck

IGN: Dtam I don't have any of these cards so they would be a great addition!

count me in



Count me in please! @lorddiablo

Prayers for your wife and you as you guys walk through this.
Taking care of family is always 1st priority. The community will be here.

Success! You mined .9 HBIT & the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. mine | wallet | market | tools | discord | community | <>< daily

Fun cards, thanks for the chance.

IGN: Blackfoot92, prayers for your wife and family. Family first, I truly hope she beats it. Thank you for the Beta card in drawing #2, greatly appreciated!

Hi there nwb0719
I am sorry about your wife and my thoughts are with you both at this difficult time, keeping my fingers crossed.
Thanks so much for your giveaway and count me in please @tengolotodo
Good luck everyone and have a great week :)

I'm praying for your wife to get cured, Health is the only thing matters 🙏

Count me in please. @thegoliath

Sorry to hear about your wife! Stage 4 cancer is not good, definitely don't do these daily and spend time with your wife as she comes first.

Sorry to hear about your wife, my grandmother passed away back in 2020 to stage four cancer. Jan 10th

I hope you well in the coming days

Count me in on this giveaway

!gif condolences

I'm sorry for your wife. Hope she gets better!


Count me in, @eijibr

Count me in for the giveaway. Please give me a follow as well.
IGN: dub-c
Hope ur recovering well. I already follow teerandom on twitch. My twitch name is effutoo.

Hope your wife will get better soon!

I'm in!

IGN: magalli

I am in as always.

!gif stop the free fall

well count me in @pix21 !HBIT

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Please include me. Reblogging. !HBIT !PIZZA IGN squishna

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PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
squishna tipped nwb0719 (x1)
@tinyputerboy(1/5) tipped @nwb0719 (x1)
curtis90 tipped nwb0719 (x1)
elfino28 tipped nwb0719 (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

We have finished upgrading our website
Our Hive Power Delegations to the April Power Up Month Winners
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

count me in



Please put your wife first, she needs her husband
Hope her pain is bearable or even free from it. Be strong both of you 🙏🏻

Hope for the best @spicywing
!gif hug

Thanks for the giveaway

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Success! You mined .9 HBIT & the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. mine | wallet | market | tools | discord | community | <>< daily

I was fired from the keyboard factory yesterday.
I wasn't putting in enough shifts.

Credit: reddit
@nwb0719, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @derfabs
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ.
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Cheers for the giveaway!!


!Gif pizza

count me in




Followed , please count me in.

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Count me in, thanks!

Take care of yourself, too. I'm sure we can all forgive you for taking care of your life before you take care of Splinterlands giveaways. Thanks for running these even with your other troubles. Wishing you the best.

Please count me in. Upvoted, reblogged and following.

Good luck, all.


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Count me in and good luck! @gondek

Count on me for this one, mate... And hoping your wife get well soon...

@jdike would love to join the giveaway

No worries, don't feel pressured about this. I hope it goes well with your wife

Cheers for the chance




!gif BEER

I think I should have these cards for sure. Count my entry please @lordshah

Followed~ @myeong

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butops is ready

count me in
IGN: @amaillo-m
Good wishes to your wife <3
!Gif dancing-8bits

Some nice cards, count me in please.

Looks good hope I win. @melkor85


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Another one!

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There are killer whales in Splinterlands?! AWESOME! @emitv

There are 2 pages