My Splinterland Card Drawing #8.

in Splinterlands2 years ago

First, I want to thank all of you for all the best wishes, support and for being understanding and positive with the comments. All of you are awesome and
I could not have paid for a better community of people. THANK YOU ALL

I am now down to every 2 days, and I am sorry to say that I have decided it is going to stay at 2 days for a while. For each card that I put up for prizes, I have also added the lore of the card below them, read them if you are interested, together they kind of make a story. I also want to let you know that I will be doing an extra card giveaway at the end of May for either a LEGENDARY or a GOLD FOIL CARD, not quite sure which on yet. It will be more difficult than just entering your IGN, I will let you know that it is going to be a riddle and not an easy one. Congratulations to Dub-c for guessing the right word for the question mark symbol and I hope you like that gold foil card.

Congratulations on the to the winners of drawing #7 and scfather who got an extra Chaos Legion card for being follower.

The cards are sent.

Screenshot (199).png

Now on to the drawing.

I have decided to start giving to the community by holding a card raffle every five days starting off,(Now down to every two days) then decreasing every two raffles, until it is every day. I have had to change it two every two days for a while do to family business.

It will consist of a first, second and third place, randomly selected. The hive that is earned will be used for future contests for more expensive cards. The more followers, upvotes and comments, the better the drawing gets. I have added where you can get extra entries into the drawing not required but very appreciated.

To be entered:
*Comment bellow and like.
*Add your in-game name in comment.
*Repost= extra entry(more than ten followers)
*Mining in the comment with !HBIT= extra entry
*Please follow=extra entry and it you take 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place you get an extra random card, not required but very appreciated.
*Check out TEERANDOM on TWITCH.TV, follow and get an extra entry into every drawing.


                                         First Place


The Spineback Wolves of Mortis have more defense mechanisms than any wolf should need. The spikes on their backs and necks prevent blind side attacks, their teeth can tear through a Bronk’s rump, and their saliva is a powerful corrosive acid that the Gloridax are still attempting to weaponize.

                                         Second Place


These large monkeys were bred for the Kobolds some two hundred years ago as a gift from the Gloridax. They are easy to train and can sustain incredibly high temperatures, but the Flame Monkey’s greatest feature is its ability to make fire by rubbing its hands together rapidly.

                                         Third Place


The Wave Runner sees not one but two sets of prey. The first set of eyes scours the ocean for a tasty morsel. The second set of eyes looks above to the skies for unsuspecting flyers. With a powerful swipe of its tail the Wave Runner can leap out of the water and bring giant birds and dragons alike into the water where its body provides a natural fighting advantage. It's best to find land or make peace with your soul if you're unfortunate enough to face a Wave Runner.


Please let me know if you do not want to be on this list for my giveaway's.

@lorddiablo @monster.farmer @teerandom @mattlafourcade @walnutz
@blackfoot92 @aemaez @eirth @alexis666 @fire-born @yasky @Butops
@emitv @jakkal @drnoobpro @shawnmichael-gt @thegoliath @rtonline @eirik @sheikh27 @luizeba @tengolotodo @blitzzzz @dubble @relf87 @mr-house @seeweed @patomal666 @handtalk5 @mcrahman91 @dagz @lofone @jin-out @hatdogsensei @highhaschdi @spicywing @kheldar1982 @tertius @danideuder @circlebubble @lordflu @magalli @cynano @casimirio @kyo-gaming @stekene @bananofarmer @dtam @dewabra @jmehta @makhinoo @amaillo-m @jfang003 @irisworld @pix21 @technocrypton @elfino28 @candnpg @squishna @ghostlybg @gregory-f @taintedblood @screamheart @trashyomen @nex711 @myeong @mairapanelo @thaddeusprime @orebutb3 @tinyputerboy @nysster @instamental @stamato @kimikimi @curtis90 @jingo-submo @lordanquek @ianballantine @vaporent @donpapy @ecto1337 @diochen @deathstarer7 @henruc @scfather @submo @mxm0unite @brando28 @pero82 @pandachef @tub3r0.gaming @highfist @mcrahman91 @tedus @koodies @assasinos3 @derfabs @gondek @lordshah @flummi97 @karmaa13 @lovefallen @tub3r02

There are 2 pages

Hello, mate! Please, count me in for the giveaway!!

IGN: @luizeba





!gif BEER

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Keep that quality content coming!

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Followed~ @myeong !HBIT

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please count me in, thank you!
!gif coin rain

Count me in, thanks!

count me in




Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.01 MOTA - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @nwb0719

remaining commands 0


  • 10 PGMs in STAKE = 0,1 PGM/LVL/ 1 STARBITS / MOTA 0,01 / 0,05 DEC / 2.5 BUDS sent and 1 command available every day
  • 100 PGM in STAKE = 0,1 PGM/LVL/ 1 STARBITS / MOTA 0,01 / 0,05 DEC / 2.5 BUDS sent and 3 commands available every day
  • 500 PGM in STAKE = 0,1 PGM/LVL/ 1 STARBITS / MOTA 0,01 / 0,05 DEC / 2.5 BUDS sent and RECEIVED and 5 commands available every day
  • 1000 PGM in STAKE = 0,1 PGM/LVL/ and 1 STARBITS/ MOTA 0,01 / 0,05 DEC / 2.5 BUDS sent and RECEIVED and 10 commands available every day

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

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Thanks for the giveaway, hope I can win it😃

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PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
tedus tipped nwb0719 (x1)
candnpg tipped nwb0719 (x1)
@jakkal(1/10) tipped @nwb0719 (x1)
jdike tipped nwb0719 (x1)
taintedblood tipped nwb0719 (x1)
curtis90 tipped nwb0719 (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

More great cards! IGN: gregory-f

All fun cards, thanks for the giveaway

Count me in, @eijibr


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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

good luck splinters

Cheers for the giveaway!!


!Gif pizza

IGN tedus

Thank you for the giveaway. Good luck to all. Have a nice weekend. !HBIT

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count me in @pix21

Count on me! And thanks for these giveaways!


Thanks for the giveaways. Please count me in. Liked, reblogged and still following.

Good luck, all.


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Count me in and good luck! @gondek

I'm in! !HBIT

Count me in ;) @ghostlybg

count me @jdike in for the giveaway !PIZZA

woah, that's one terrifying wolf... @emitv

I'm in!


Count me in please! @lorddiablo

IGN: Dtam

One of the best giveaways out there!
Count me in please.

Joining in @taintedblood

!gif cards

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Love these giveaways! Every 2 days is already a feat imo! It's very hard to maintain even that, so you're doing great!

I'm entering, really hoping to win that Wolf >:D @jakkal reblogged as well, I just used my hbits, so maybe all these other ones will make up for it lol


good luck everyone!

!gif good luck

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.01 MOTA - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @jakkal, @nwb0719

remaining commands 2


  • 10 PGMs in STAKE = 0,1 PGM/LVL/ 1 STARBITS / MOTA 0,01 / 0,05 DEC / 2.5 BUDS sent and 1 command available every day
  • 100 PGM in STAKE = 0,1 PGM/LVL/ 1 STARBITS / MOTA 0,01 / 0,05 DEC / 2.5 BUDS sent and 3 commands available every day
  • 500 PGM in STAKE = 0,1 PGM/LVL/ 1 STARBITS / MOTA 0,01 / 0,05 DEC / 2.5 BUDS sent and RECEIVED and 5 commands available every day
  • 1000 PGM in STAKE = 0,1 PGM/LVL/ and 1 STARBITS/ MOTA 0,01 / 0,05 DEC / 2.5 BUDS sent and RECEIVED and 10 commands available every day

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

I know my wife loves it when I tickle her
She laughs while I'm tickling and is angry at me when I stop.

Credit: reddit
@nwb0719, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @jakkal
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ.
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Thankyou for the cards.
count me in again.

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count me in.

Hope to win.

Count me in @lofone

count me in

Please, add my name in giveaway thanks

That is so awesome nwb0719 thank you so much for the card!
Count me in again for this one please @tengolotodo

Count me in for the giveaway.
IGN: dub-c
I am a teerandom follower. I follow u. Please give me a follow.


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Please count me in! @lordanquek

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