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RE: My First Riftwatchers Pack Openings

That's some great luck for 20 packs! I've been having a ton of fun with Tinderlock, the legendary that ended up in the rare slot, and he's such a beast with both Yodin and Jacek.

I opened 212 packs, and I was pretty stoked that I pulled a GF Runemancer Kye.


Kye has been my fav. so far of all the legendaries. But that being said, I haven't played them all lol


My favorite so far has been Mordeus under Jacek; 5 Damage Piercing (from Jacek) Opportunity is seriously a sight to behold. Tinderlock, Uloth, and The Arachnid Reach monster have been a lot of fun too. I think the 6 drop reach monster in death pretty much replaces shadow stitch in most of my comps. Night Ghoul looked sweet, but I keep wanting to run Harklaw, Cursed Wendiku, or a Dragon Tank instead, even in the highest mana battles.

Bulldog has been raving about the white Runemancer with forcefield and headwinds, but I don't find myself running life all that often. More a preference thing there I think. My luck with the dodge neutral monster has been terrible, even with +2 speed from kitty. I think it's pretty overrated with all the damage and speed creep the game has seen in CL and RW.