Splinterlands: Rewards versus experience

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)


In the quest of life, we tend to bend towards financial burden more than collecting experience in general. However, if we zone out for a bit, we are able to recognize that one is incomplete without the other. Reward and experience, are equally important in the quest of life, so is the scenario in Splinterlands.

Splinterlands is quite an addicting game as said by many, but if observed keenly it can be said that besides addicting it furnishes the skills needed to be strategic. At a glance both perceptions will be accepted; it is very easy and also very tough. This perspective depends on your goal with Splinterlands.

As I mentioned above, reward works hand to hand with experience. Here is a glimpse of the reward set I have received after completing my quest successfully. For some, the reward received may or may not be satisfactory but it totally entails the motive which is the driving force for your continuity in the game. It is widely known that if the base is strong, the building will be strong. Just like that, if the motive of playing is strong enough to withstand minimal rewards, one can survive in the long run.

In my journey of Splinterlands, I have received quite rewarding achievements while also, delt with minimal achievements, but amid all of this my spirit to continue didn't fall apart. This is my strength to continue and with this, I am able to gather experience and patience, in the long run. This scope to motivate oneself is a constant need to be able to survive and sustain in this race.

Personally, I was hoping for some good cards for a while now, but I have been dismissed quite a lot of times, alike I feel many of you may be experiencing the same scenario. So, I intended to dedicate this post to you all. As life is a limited quest, so are the challenges of Splinterlands. Therefore, we can relax in our seats while driving up the hill so that we do not fall off the cliff rather we gather experience to travel here again and again. My best wishes to all and also I would like to share, that I am content with my rewards and hoping I survive it all.

To know more of my posts on Splinterlands:
-> Splinterlands: Peek into a daily Quest (Fire Element)

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These boxes are really bad my friend and I wish you the best at the end of next season.
I'm trying to download a video like this one that you downloaded and how do you open the boxes but this site "hive.blog" doesn't allow me to download videos, can you help me how can I display a video like this in my blog.
I am grateful to you my friend

These boxes are really bad my friend

😆 hehehe I know, but something is always better than nothing, right? It is all experience after all.

I didn't quite download the video, instead, I recorded it while I was playing and later uploaded it on YouTube. After writing this post I just added the URL and here it is. Now, if you are a player you can record yours and upload but if you want to get someone else's video I would suggest taking it from YouTube and later adding the reference. Hope this is helpful. Thank you.

I mean that you recorded it and not downloaded it, yes, yesterday I recorded my first video and uploaded it to 3Speak , I linked this to the hive site so my post appeared on the hive site and this is the link to my post: