Living in Splinterverse: journey with an amazing blockchain game

in Splinterlands6 months ago

Hello, the beautiful people of Splinterverse. Hope you all are doing great and enjoying the game every day. I hope you all are enjoying the game every day. The surging price of SPS is a sign that indicates the bright future of the game. The Land Expansion 1.5 has changed the crashing card market into a booming marketplace which is just the beginning of a new era in Splinterlands. I am sure in the future the game will be more player-oriented. Players will be able to earn more assets from their lands in addition to the existing tasks such as completing in-game quests, participating in tournaments, or buying and selling many items on marketplaces. These assets can then be traded for real money or used in Splinterlands gameplay.

Today I am going to share my journey to Splinterlands from the year 21 in brief with my mistakes, suggestions, achievements, and future goals in the coming years. I hope it will help you to start your journey with such a great game with a great community. August 2021 is when my journey with Splinterlands began. To play the game, I made an account, purchased the Spellbook in July, and began purchasing some basic cards in August. After being delighted to discover the powers, game rules, and other details, I purchased several cards. It was not easy at that time to buy many cards as the price was much higher than now. I have lost around 99% of the value that I spent that time with the current value. So, being more insightful with a clear view of the future trends is important here.

Before the release of the new Chaos and Soulbond reward sets, I spent a small sum of money on purchasing quest potions to obtain additional reward cards. However, purchasing quest potions is now gone. I wish to summarise my suggestions for you so that you, especially the new players, might learn from my experiences.

According to my 2 years of experience, I will definitely suggest the following strategies for investing in Splinterlands.

  • Never invest all of your money at once, it will be more profitable if you buy your cards in different market conditions, the average buying rate will be lower in some cases. For me, If I bought all the cards initially, then my current state would have decreased a lot more. As an example, I bought a single Djinn Oshannus for $40 that time! And now you just check the price and guess what a devastating loss I made! So, be patient during buying cards and make a bid rather than direct buy. It will take some time but you will find some great deals often.

  • Try to use cards market properly such as PEAKMONSTERS, MONSTERMARKET, CARDAUCTION. If you want some more strategies and tips about peakmonsters, you go through the latest updates from their discord groups and read the regular hive blogs on the market and strategies for selecting cards. I have many blogs on them, you can read some of them or follow me, for instance, I can suggest the following blogs on using peak monster properly through the following links

buying and bidding strategy in

Amazing trading strategies in

  • Never open single packs and any packs without the potions, try to open more packs at once to increase the possibility of more gold foils or legendaries.

  • Make sure to use potions before opening packs to increase the possibility of getting gold foil cards or legendaries cards. You can wait for enough potions if you don't want to buy, just play for a several weeks and you can gather massive amount of potions from your daily quests and end of season rewards.

  • It is not necessarily true that any project will always go the right way and we need to think about which group is gonna be benefitted more the bigger group or the handful of whales! To maximize your earnings potential, it's important to become an expert in the game you're playing. Learn about the best strategies for earning rewards and winning battles, and stay up-to-date on new updates and changes to the game.

My mistakes

In my initial days I didn’t know about the amazing Splinterlands community in hive blockchain. I didn’t notice about logging in to my account, as I bought the Spellbook directly through my Metamask wallet. I didn’t know about learning the best strategies to do well in the battle. I never joined any tournaments, and even now I Can't as I used to be busy with my studies. I had no idea that I could study the best techniques to win the battle. I never participated in any competitions, and I still can't do too much since I used to be preoccupied with my schoolwork. Even I was not unaware that Splinterlands enabled player experiences, fights, and artwork to be shared over the Hive blockchain to reward them for motivation. I have been writing and earning some votes here for the past One and a half years though recently I have been too busy to come here regularly! Even though I'm running late, I'm still receiving some additional rewards** that I can use to purchase more cards and strengthen my deck. Some other mistakes that I can mention as-

  • Buying cards directly with the listed price

  • Didn't make a proper investment plan

  • Buy very expensive cards when it comes for the first time but gradually price has decreased a lot than I can imagine, and that led me up to a 99% loss!

Future plan

The value of my card in Splinterlands has dropped significantly and I am concerned about further losses unless something is fixed. I can still remember I have lost almost 70%-90% of the value of some of my purchased cards! To survive this situation, it is crucial to make a good plan with practical observation and experience. And I am going to implement the following measures-

  • Avoiding abrupt decisions is very important and analyzing current holdings, their performance, and the loss you have incurred is important.

  • I will review my investment strategy to re-evaluate my plan and adjust myasset portfolio accordingly, and adjust my risk tolerance level if necessary on a regular basis.

  • If you decide to buy or sell your holdings to prevent further losses, do it carefully, but don't buy or sell everything at once. Instead, consider buying and selling in periodic manners over several days or weeks to minimize the impact of price volatility.

  • Also, I am going to analyze what went wrong to avoid big losses in the future, such as investing too much in one asset without checking its potential or following speculative hype without proper research and market trend analysis.


It is not always the case that projects will go as planned, therefore we must consider all the potential risks. It's crucial to become a master in the game you're playing if you want to optimize your profits. Keep up with the latest game updates and modifications by learning the most effective tactics for winning battles and obtaining prizes. As developing blockchain-based games requires a significant investment in time and resources which can make the game a sustainable one. There is always the risk that a game may not be successful in the long run but I am satisfied with the Splinterlands team in this issue as they are constantly evolving their roadmaps.

What do you think and what are your thoughts on the current situation with Splinterlands, let us know in the comments for mutual growth. Everything I mentioned here is from my thoughts as a member of the community. I hope you will find it helpful.

In my previous blogs, I have discussed the best primary TANKS from every Splinter team with their useful use in different types of ATTACKS and also in different rule sets. You can find them in the following links-

FIRE TEAM-Top PRIMARY TANKS in various rulesets in Splinterlands: The cheapest and the Best utility

WATER TEAM-Top PRIMARY TANKS in various rulesets in Splinterlands: The cheapest and the Best utility

EARTH TEAM-Top EARTH PRIMARY TANKS in various rulesets in Splinterlands: The cheapest and the Best utility

LIFE TEAM-Top LIFE PRIMARY TANKS in various rulesets in Splinterlands: The cheapest and the Best utility

DEATH TEAM-Top DETH PRIMARY TANKS in various rulesets in Splinterlands: The cheapest and the Best utility

DRAGON and NEUTRAL TEAM-Top DRAGON and NEUTRAL PRIMARY TANKS in various rulesets in Splinterlands: The cheapest and the Best utility

I hope you find some of these thoughts and discussions my thoughts important before your journey to Splinterlands. And if you have any kinds of queries, you can ask me in the comments. I will try to answer at my level best. Thanks a lot for your time and attention, I will catch you at the next one.
Have a great day!

And, If you want to be a proud member of the Splinterlands community and enjoy the magical world of hundreds of monsters and strategies for your battle where you will have the opportunity of amazing battles with some extraordinary monsters with amazing abilities that will uplift your online gaming experience to a new level. You can enter the Splinterverse through this link sign up to join Splinterlands


Thank you so much for your time and attention.
I will catch you at the next.

All the images are prepared by me from the Splinterlands and Peakmonster resources.



How was your first week of the new year 2024?
It was a peaceful week on my side.
The post was full of information that I have recently heard about in the community.
Thank you for sharing this informative article
Interesting selection and detailed review in your publication.
Have great Splinterlands season finale in less than four days.

It was good but a little bit cold in the living place that I am not used to, but after all, the new year going great. Hope you are also having a great year.
Thanks for reading my post, the journey in Splinterlands is great for me.

Thank you
It is very hot in West Africa where I live and it is nice year

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121