First of all I want to say a very big hello to all the wonderful players and to all the fans of Splinterlands around the world, this game is very fun and day by day our love for it grows because of many new discoveries!
Today I want to share with you an amazing and wonderful battle with a very great monster from the Water Team, fortunate for us players, having a wonderful site like Splinterlands gives us the opportunity to share our weekly challenges and battles with him, this gives a lot of players an excellent experience and great enthusiasm as well!
Before I start talking about my wonderful plan and the great battle that I played with the new monster I want to talk a little about my last post on Hive, in my last blog here on Hive I shared with you five amazing battles with a lot of great monsters which I completed with this daily quest, You can find out more information and get some great experience by reading this blog:
Let's go back to our new challenge!
What monster did I use?
The cool monster that I used in this new challenge is DEEPLURKER, it is a very cool beast from the water team, to be honest with you, this is the first time I have used this amazing monster but I think I will use it a lot in the upcoming battles because of its great features, this monster has a heart Excellent and also a very strong kick and good speed, but the most important thing is that it has an amazing ability and it is the opportunity!
How did you choose me and my monsters in the team?
Initially I used this Summoner KELYA FRENDUL, it is very suitable for this battle as it gives all friendly monsters extra speed and armor.
In the first place I used this wonderful monster SERPENT OF ELD, it is a very great attacker because it has a good heart with a wonderful armor and this makes it very protected and also it has a very strong strike and great speed and also has the ability to fly that enables it to escape from some monsters strikes opponent.
In second place I used this monster DEEPLURKER, this monster as I explained about it a while ago, it has an excellent heart and also a great hit with amazing ability!
In third place I used this ICE PIXIE monster, it's a very small wizard and only needs 2 mana caps and that's really cool, it's a fast wizard too
In fourth place I used VENARI WAVESMITH, this wizard is very important to me in this battle and in many of my water team battles, this amazing wizard has an amazing ability which is protect, this ability gives two shields to all friendly monsters, it's really amazing!
In the fifth place, I used this wonderful monster, PELACOR BANDIT, this monster has great speed and also two great abilities, which are the fly and the ability of the Sneak!
In the last place I used this defender ANGELIC MANDARIN, it is a good defender, it has an excellent heart which is 5 and also a good speed which is 2, I put it in the last place to protect the rest of the team from monsters who have the ability of Sneak from the opponent.
And now you are definitely very excited to watch the battle, you can click on the link and watch the full battle:
Let's talk how the battle went during the rounds:
Before the start of the battle and above all that was my team and the opponent's team, the opponent relied on a great fire team with good monsters!
After the end of the first round and with the beginning of the second round, I was able to kill two opponent monsters, and this made his team only 4 monsters.
With the beginning of the third round, I managed to kill another monster from the opponent's team and this made things easier for me.
After the end of the third round and the beginning of the fourth round, the opponent managed to kill a monster from my team and this made things even more exciting!
With the beginning of the fifth and final round, there were only two monsters left in the opponent's team, and this certainly made the battle very easy for me, by the end of this round, I managed to eliminate the two monsters and achieved a great victory!
My opinion in DEEPLURKER:
I think that this monster was excellent in this battle, especially with his amazing ability, which made it attack monsters that have the weakest heart and was able to get rid of the opponent's monsters more quickly, but this monster needs 6 mana caps, so it is difficult to use it in small battles and That doesn't need a lot of mana caps.
Finally an advice from me to all those who love Splinterlands and all those who are looking to earn more money by investing in this game, they can directly buy the card for this amazing monster for 25 cents, this price is very cheap and suitable for all players around the world, I think it will be great investment for the future!
I hope you enjoyed this blog and it wasn't boring, thanks for your time to read!
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121