Splinterlands account update

Hi Hive,

Update on my account, bear with me I’m using my iPad..

I have nearly $370 in cards but the rental bot is taking its time at the moment..


I’m playing the game now, quite addictive and have a few upcoming chests, I’ve only been playing it this week. Little learning curve.


I’ve staked what I can in sps.


Here’s my iPad Home Screen, notice the hive finance widget in top right corner!


Thanks hive!


Levelling cards up will help when it comes to rentals. People want the better cards to improve their chances.


I do, have 1400 cards but levelled them up so now have about 140!

Need to get to higher levels if you can.

In a losing streak at the moment..


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@steevc(1/5) tipped @todayslight (x1)

Learn more at https://hive.pizza!