Carta para un hombre casado de parte de el hombre que es amante de su esposa/ Letter to a married man from the man who is his wife's lover Español/English

in Cervantes3 years ago (edited)

Hola a todos los usuarios de hive lo que hoy os traigo un relato donde describo la carta enviada a un hombre de parte del amante de su esposa. Y esto ocurre por estar en un matrimonio disfuncional, espero os agrade este tipo de contenido, estaré leyendo sus comentarios. A continuación la carta.

Carta para el esposo de un amante


Sí, yo soy el hombre que le quita el sueño a tu mujer, yo soy el responsable de las ausencias justificadas y de las risas al checar su celular. Agradece, gracias a mi tu esposa se porta cariñosa y amorosa sin razón aparente. La conciencia.

Y lo confieso, soy un cínico, un cínico en potencia pero ahora quiero que te preguntes ¿qué hiciste para que tu esposa buscara a 'otro'?, o mejor dicho ¿qué no hiciste?. Si ella decidió correr a mis brazos fue por algo. Le di lo que no encontraba en su casa, le di lo que tú no le has dado .

Algo en ella que me fascina. Me propuse tenerla cerca, tener una relación con ella y al final lo conseguí.
Como todo un conquistador me di a la tarea de ganarme su confianza con detalles, llamadas, palabras bonitas y todas aquellas cursilerías que le encantan a las mujeres. ¿Y sabes algo? Te la quité

La primera vez que me llamó para preguntarme en dónde estaba, supe que ya 'había caído'. Si no estaba enamorada por lo menos estaba ilusionada conmigo. Había conseguido algo y tenía que aprovecharlo. Conseguí lo que tú hace mucho habías conseguido, pero a diferencia tuya, yo si lo iba a aprovechar.

Con un poco de trabajo conseguí que se entregara a mí, no solo en cuerpo, sino en alma. Nuestros cuerpos se fusionaron; éramos una sola persona entregada a la pasión, al deseo, a aquello que la sociedad considera prohibido.

Varias tardes la pasamos juntos, besándonos, acariciándonos, amándonos. Apurados aprovechábamos cada segundo, cada minuto que pasábamos juntos.

Mientras tú, iluso, creías que la tenías segura. Yo sabía que nunca te iba a dejar, que su cuerpo estaría contigo, pero ¿te digo algo?, sé que su corazón me pertenece, estoy seguro que me quiere.

El ver cómo se las arreglaba para salir de su casa, las justificaciones que tenía que inventar y saber que para ella era un riesgo estar conmigo, hacía que me sintiera importante. Cada encuentro tenía que pasar por varios obstáculos, tenía que superar varias pruebas. Nosotros los superábamos, así de grande era nuestro amor.

La sociedad juzga, señala, discrimina. Las mujeres no tienen derecho a equivocarse, se les obliga a permanecer en un matrimonio, soportar, esperar a que sea el hombre quien las abandone. Sé que ella disfrutó hacer algo que estaba mal visto.

En sus conversaciones me decía lo mal que se sentía por nuestra relación, yo la consolaba, a fin de cuentas lo que uno debe de buscar es su felicidad

Sé que me odias, y que soy o seré la causa de todos tus pesares, pero acuérdate que las relaciones son de dos y si un tercero se mete, es porque había espacio para que entrara, espacio que me dejaste tú.

Si llegaste a este dame tu opinion de este tema?
Que opinas de la infidelidad?

Gracias por leerme, gracias por esos minutos que me regalaste leyendo el post, exitos y bendiciones para vos.



Hello to all hive users, today I bring you a story where I describe the letter sent to a man from his wife's lover. And this happens because of being in a dysfunctional marriage, I hope you like this type of content, I will be reading your comments. Next the letter.

Letter to a lover's husband


Yes, I am the man who takes your wife's sleep, I am responsible for the excused absences and the laughter when checking her cell phone. Thank you, thanks to me your wife behaves affectionate and loving for no apparent reason. Awareness.

And I confess, I am a cynic, a potential cynic but now I want you to ask yourself, what did you do to make your wife look for 'another'? Or rather, what did you not do? If she decided to run into my arms she was for something. I gave her what she couldn't find in her house, I gave her what you haven't given her.

Something about her that fascinates me. I decided to have her close to her, to have a relationship with her and in the end I succeeded.

Like a true conqueror, I gave myself to the task of earning her trust with details, calls, beautiful words and all those kitsch that women love. And do you know something? I took it from you

The first time she called me to ask where she was, I knew that she had already 'fallen'. If she wasn't in love at least she was excited about me. She had gotten something and she had to take advantage of it. I achieved what you had achieved a long time ago, but unlike you, I was going to take advantage of it.

With a little work I got her to give herself to me, not only in body, but in soul. Our bodies merged; we were a single person given over to passion, desire, what society considers prohibited.

Several afternoons we spent together, kissing, caressing, loving each other. In a hurry, we took advantage of every second, every minute that we spent together.

While you, deluded, believed that you had it safe. I knew that she was never going to leave you, that her body would be with you, but shall I tell you something? ** I know that her heart belongs to me, I'm sure she loves me. **

Seeing how she managed to get out of her house, the justifications she had to come up with, and knowing that it was a risk for her to be with me, made me feel important. Each encounter had to go through various obstacles, had to overcome various tests. We overcame them, that's how great our love was.

Society judges, points out, discriminates. Women have no right to make mistakes, they are forced to stay in a marriage, endure, wait for the man to leave them. I know she enjoyed doing something that she was frowned upon.

In her conversations, she told me how bad she felt about our relationship, I consoled her, after all, what one should look for is her happiness

I know that you hate me, and that I am or will be the cause of all your regrets, but remember that there are two relationships and if a third party gets in, it is because there was space for him to enter, space that you left me.

If you got to this, give me your opinion on this topic?
What do you think of infidelity?

Thanks for reading me, thanks for those minutes that you gave me by reading the post, successes and blessings for you.