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RE: Metrics for The Social Media Blockchain - Intro

in Hive Statistics3 years ago

Starting to truly enter the chain and find legitimate creators and communities is something I'm pushing to do! Takes a while to get involved in Hive properly and too many think it's a grab and go sorta thing.

I believe people should be more educated on the economics and backbone behind Hive (which I'm still learning!) before they have that "oh, this isn't what I thought it was" or "oh, I can't get that" feeling because, in agreement, we truly do need more engagement within the smaller, growing parts of the community, to not just help with education, but also engage those whom otherwise would not!


The economics is an important aspect to make sure it stacks up for the long term. Why is a post worth anything? If i buy hive with fiat am i investing in a ponzi scheme?

The concerns people have and the reluctance to engage is often because their perception is that crypto is a scam. The advantage to hive is it costs nothing to join, its an easy on ramp for people to exploring what is possible with crypto and in built is the community where you can learn how it works. How to secure your private keys etc.

Bring people in with low expectations and deliver big. Back to your point, how can we cultivate legitimate creators and help them become embedded in communities?