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RE: Galaxies | Galaktyki

in Polish HIVE4 years ago

Those were very sparkling...and very decent too...I belive in dark it may glow as well....keeping all the perls and stones are my kid habit too...she always carry a small bag and have many unwanted things....including her art material too....


She is a little collector :) And wants all her thing close. So cute :)

Yes...the way she carry the stuffs is always lovely....she never missed on it


You've been sponsored with SBI worth 5 HIVE, courtesy Mariusz Karowski (@mariuszkarowski, @mmmmkkkk311), be sure to give him a hearty thanks!

Wowow...@gamer00 , i could not belive my eyes what I saw... THANK YOU @mariuszkwrowski and @mmmmkkk311 for the lovely gift. I see it as the best begining of a new week.