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RE: Oldering

in PhotoArtlast year

I thought Taurus!! Scorpio is my rising sign, too, if that explains anything. And all my stuff is in one quarter of the astrology chart which means I'm crazyAF unique.

If by heart you mean finding myself emotionally involved with the outcome of sessions and the patient's general wellbeing outside the treatment room, then yes, that was an issue for a long time. I didn't have good energetic boundaries. Then I started doing treatments the way I wanted to, very clinically focused on healing injuries, instead of feeling like a paid bliss-giver. People are vey happy with the technique and outcomes and I am empowered and focused. In a nutshell. Way more to it than that, of course.


I'm crazyAF unique.

Just a tiny bit.:P

If by heart you mean finding myself emotionally involved..

Yes, that's exactly what you came into contact with, it can be draining.....

Yeah. Shit, it really was for a while, but that's only because I lived that lifestyle. Don't anymore!