
in PhotoArtlast year

I don't want to get older. Can I just stay kid?


It's not the grey hair, the blotchy skin, the wrinkles, the crows feet that walked off the crows and onto my face.


Ok maybe it is, a little. Maybe I bought my first tub of Retinol yesterday.

And maybe each time I think I'll let the salt and pepper grow out I chicken out and blonde away those distinguished greys before they start leaving an honest impression on anyone.


But it's just vanity. And even though it matters, it doesn't really matter. Not in the grand scheme of things.

Whatever that grand scheme is...
(If you already figured out the scheme please don't spoil it for me.)


It's not the closer to death I don't like. It's not even the age, or, rather, the number I call my age.




Who cares?
Not little old me.

So what do I care about? What's the big deal about getting older? Besides jowels and moles and root canals and hot flashes?


It's nothing new. The same thing everyone my age complains about:


It's running out. I'm not going to be able to do everything I want to do unless I exhaust myself trying. And lord knows how much easier it is to exhaust myself these days. It's not fair it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair!

But what can I do? I've heard that in these cases some people will go out and get a very fast car and a very young wife. Does this work? Does it slow down time?

Can you get both these things on Amazon?

What if I don't want these things?

I suppose the best way to have a midlife crisis is to pick the fun things and hope I can still pay the bills every month. Maybe sometimes I won't pay the bills on time.

Who cares?

Not little old me.


I can grow up when I'm dead.


CrowTube Channel
NFT Crowroom
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Oldering has its perks, once you get past the mid-life crisis that is. I'm enjoying being an old goat

I like goats!!! I grew up with them. Quite literally. They were my playmates. I outlived all of them, sadly. I guess I am the oldest goat.

Whatever that grand scheme is...

This is a pertinent question that not many take the time to ask or analyse.

I suppose the best way to have a midlife crisis is to pick the fun things and hope I can still pay the bills every month. Maybe sometimes I won't pay the bills on time.

We have to learn to find happiness, indeed! We are so success-driven that we sometimes forget to "live"... you know, caught up in making a living that we forget to live.

If only one could find balance.

I don't know why, but 42 was one of my favourite years yet. It's when I found many answers to many questions... there must be some truth to what Douglas Adams said "42 is the answer to the “ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything,” 😁

Yessssssssss! This means this is the year I figure out the grand scheme!!!! And then forget everything when the clock strikes 43.

Haha! It's something to look forward to, regardless 😅

I have contemplated the fast car and young wife. I think it might make me older quicker :OD

A fast wife and a young car can definitely add a few years for every month of living.

Might be a nice life, if short! :OD

It was fun while it lasted :D

I didn't want to make a life out of it.

A fast wife sounds short-lived, if it's annulment and not tragedy it could be fun for a second.

It was fun while it lasted!

Trouble with a young wife is she'll constantly be showing you how to use your phone.

I don't want to get older. Can I just stay kid?

I am with you on that one and stubbornly refuse to get older and admit my age :P
It is not happening. Not happening! The ID card is a filthy liar!

Yeah but isn't it awesome telling the kids that we were born in the nineteen-hundreds??

You mean in the last century... vintage goods...

Vintage is cool. Vintage is in.

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I want to say something clever to you, but everything sounds like a slogan to me. That's how everything sounds when talking about aging.

Age ain't nothing but a number and just like good wine and cheese we get better with age and once you're over the hill it's all downhill from here on out!

Yeah, you're right. But I will say that the best thing about oldering is that I start giving less shits about most things and the non-shit-giving seems to increase exponentially.

You really forced that chin sack to pop out...:p

Smiles never age!
Was that your Bday or?

Hehehehe I don't have to force that chin sack, I just have to put the camera at an honest angle. Face got skinny over the summer, but waddle never deflated. On a really skinny day I can make it swing from side to side if I flick it.

Bee-day is October 14th, nineteen-hundred and eighty.

Smiles never age!

Awwwwwwwwwww. Even when they take out the dentures??

Libra! 😍

You forced it! I can see it. Don't argue on that one.
You know (I bet you know) there is facial yoga, next to it that straights up wrinkles it's also relaxing.

Perhaps taken out, but smile will remain, probably shy, but still....

There's also facial fascial release for crinklies, too. I'm a massage therapist so I can professionally squeeze the shit outta my own wrinkles and hope it works. I think it does a little.

Totally libra. Decisions are really hard to make and I'm a great gift-giver. But my first impression on people is often scorpio, I guess because I'm a moody artist.

What are yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

It's cause your date is closer to the Scorpio season, which are my opposite.

Find me a Libra that ever made her decision straight away and I'm massaging you for free.. 😂

Taurus/Libra be me!

I guess you are massaging long time, does that ever influenced your heart (read somewhere that's the main issue with this job)...

I thought Taurus!! Scorpio is my rising sign, too, if that explains anything. And all my stuff is in one quarter of the astrology chart which means I'm crazyAF unique.

If by heart you mean finding myself emotionally involved with the outcome of sessions and the patient's general wellbeing outside the treatment room, then yes, that was an issue for a long time. I didn't have good energetic boundaries. Then I started doing treatments the way I wanted to, very clinically focused on healing injuries, instead of feeling like a paid bliss-giver. People are vey happy with the technique and outcomes and I am empowered and focused. In a nutshell. Way more to it than that, of course.

I'm crazyAF unique.

Just a tiny bit.:P

If by heart you mean finding myself emotionally involved..

Yes, that's exactly what you came into contact with, it can be draining.....