The Guards Caisson of Arlington National Cemetery

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago (edited)

The show of color catches my eye as the branches crisscross, making a canopy over my head. Inspiring patterns are made by the sunlight streaming through. Autumn is here and soon, the recurring season will blow into the wind.

So beautiful, yet sad.


I can hear the sound coming before I even see it. There is no rush, and there is no slowing down, only the rhythmic sound of six horses, and their hooves - as they pull the caisson. They make their way past me, to the final resting place of the soldier. My heart stops beating and I try to slowly breathe.

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The Third Infantry Regiment United States Army, more commonly known as the Old Guard, is always responsible for caisson. Caisson is a horse-drawn wagon or cart. The two caissons used at the Cemetery are from the WWI time period circa 1918-1919. Originally the caisson was used to bring artillery onto the battlefield. Once the artillery was off-loaded, the caisson was loaded with bodies of fallen service members. The wagon is pulled by six horses, but there are only three riders. The Old Guard service members only ride the horses on the left side because the horses on the right side were originally used to take supplies onto the battlefield.source


The Old Guard Soldiers of Arlington National Cemetery. They practice tirelessly, each movement is precise and always in step.


Thou wilt whisper of peace to my soul, for there is longevity in the memory of tragedy. Take a moment of silence and then, let the sunshine in. A delicate reminder of the peace that lives in my heart. This was two several Christmases ago, but, I can still feel the chill in my heart. If you can read that headstone and not come away with tears, you cannot be human. I can almost not bear the thought of this thirty-one-year-old man giving his life, so that others may live. Fifteen days from his thirty-second trip around the sun. I stop and him every time I go. I touch his stone and hope he feels the love.

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Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27


The golden moments of life, shadowing me from reality. It whispers of change in the tide, but, it doesn’t change the fact that I cannot breathe without you.

That is exactly what I feel like, every time I am here, then make my way home once again, leaving my loved ones behind.


All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.


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Amazing Grace

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come.
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

John Newton

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Pinmapple: [//]:# (!pinmapple 36.139600 lat -76.992188 long Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA d3scr)


I suppose the colors of the season tend to soften the scene but I am certain the pain remains. Every white dot along the landscape is a story that was cut off. Some sooner than others, but all cut short too soon.

I suppose the colors do soften the scene, but my heart tells me that it will never make it right. Many here chose their path with being attached to the military but so many were young and idealistic. I know so many that went in and now are gone, leaving loved ones behind.

I also know some would not change a thing. It who they are.

Great respect to the Cemetery. I absolutely love your article as you present.
fantastic job of knowing this ceremony and I am so impressed.
God bless you my dear sweet friend @dswigle.

I am so glad that you like the post and the very honorable ceremony is fitting for the sacrifice that these people made for their country. I know it because I have been to such ceremonies, and while I am proud of these people, I am also a little sad at the loss of their lives. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and leaving your words. I hope you have a wonderful day.

A beautiful and touching post, I have only visited Arlington once and I found it a somber experience, I was with a couple of work colleagues but had to break away fromthem, they clearly didnt feel it as I did and were talking away about what to me was meaningless stuff and I felt the need to walk and explore without the constant chatter

a wonderful post as always

have a great day

Thank you so much, JJ. @tattoodjay It really is a somber experience and one that is likely to stay with a person for a very long time, perhaps their entire life.

The enormity of it all. I guess you are right. It doesn't mean the same thing to different people, but, if you work in a service orientated job, it is hard to not be affected.

Thanks so much for your kind words. Always. Have a great day!

Yes I think being ex military it perhaps meant a lot more to me than the others

It’s always a pleasure to visit your posts

I can almost not bear the thought of this thirty one year old man giving his life, so that others may live.

He was a real life hero. A real human. He sacrificed his own life to save others. This is true heroism. Most people would run away, and leave others in the difficult situation. This man done the opposite. Faced it. Just/only a very few people would do this. If I would be at his headstone, then I would gave him one minute silence. Probably with a few teardrops.

Have a nice day. All the best.
Greetings from Hungary.

He was a hero and so very human. I know quite a few that were in pararescue and I know that it is just something they were born to do, but it still doesn't stop me from grieving the lost. Having been associated with many different parts of the military oh, I can honestly say that each and every one of them is a special breed. Many would never have a different life and they are happy doing what they do. And by that, I don't mean killing in war, but protecting their own. There is a difference. Thank you so much for taking the time and leaving me with a very thoughtful comment, every single time. I hope you have a wonderful day and greetings from Washington DC! I think I've always wanted to say that to you.

I hope you have a wonderful day and greetings from Washington DC! I think I've always wanted to say that to you.

Yes. I had a wonderful day. Even the dawn was wonderful. I hope that you also have a wonderful day. What is interesting and surprising about Washington DC (capital of the USA) is the fact that it is smaller (both in area and in population) than Budapest, capital of Hungary.

Washington DC:
Area: 177 km².
Population: 692 683 (2019).

Area: 525.2 km².
Population: 1.756 million (2016).

Probably many people would expect a much bigger capital for a country like the USA. But because it is much smaller than Budapest, it is probably much more pleasant, less crowded.

Budapest is huge and I forgot to tell you but when I went there for the very first time, I went camping right there in town. Can you believe that? I wanted to stay longer than I could really afford so we camped for one month there. He was pretty cool and when I went back oh, I stayed in a hotel but I will say that the camping was more fun.

The campings are usually much closer to the nature than the hotels (and probably they are also cheaper). If I could afford to travel to a foreign country, then I would probably also choose a camping instead of a hotel.

This was close enough to grab public transportation with a short ride. We were still in college and had no money, but, we had so much fun and learned so much.

Oh, the memories! I still like camping, but, do like hotels too. :))

It's a sad time but a very beautiful ceremony with the horses, caisson and uniforms. Lovely words you can really feel the emotion in them.

Thank you so much and I have to agree with you because it is with mixed feelings that I always go there. I understand their need for doing what they do and I even agree with it on certain levels. But the human in me misses the other part, the warm generous human being that once was. Thank you so much for stopping by and always leave in such a kind and generous comment. I hope you are having a most wonderful day!

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No doubt the photos from you, I learned a lot from the way you shoot a moment. Very beautiful.
Thank you for sharing the beauty of today 🥰🤗🤗

Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate the reblogs also.

I hope you are having a most wonderful day. Hive on!


Your photography are always top notch

Thank you so much. I appreciate the words.

You are much welcome

Have a nice day. You write a great blog and share photography very well. I like all your photos and posts.

Thank you very much for your kind words.

Thank you so much @victorbz !

with my pleasure Denise.
love your storytelling and especially the black and white kinda documentary works you included here.
especially this one is very artistic to see and to capture in the perfect way






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Thank you for the Luv!

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Thanks for the beer!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 79 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you so much for the repost @pixresteemer !! Much appreciated!