in SaturdayMemories3 years ago

Right now, the shifting clouds are very thick and active above my hometown ... the rain started some hours ago, while I was still asleep ... and now it looks like it could end soon ... and then start again a bit later, maybe ... and you could also ask now " Isn't that contradicting the title of the post? I mean, what is this memory about? Is this some kind of joke, or you just needed more sleep before starting this thing?"


Don't worry - everything is under control. Another rain is about to start, an old rain confined inside this post.


This isn't an old memory. The absolutely ordinary events described here happened less than a month ago, on 16.03.20021.


As I wrote and showed through many photographs back than in March, I used to drive to the city every day because my friend's car wasn't working properly, so I provided the transport to the supermarket where this friend works on the fruit & vegetables stand.


These shots were taken in the afternoon, some minutes before two o'clock when I stopped by the road, more or less halfway between the city and my hometown, because the clouds looked great.


While I was photographing the small cloud in the lower right corner of this picture, a seagull flew by, and gave a nice balance to the composition.


Here is another little cloud, that looks like some celestial amoeba floating under the big cloud formation spread above the whole scenery.


After taking this shot with the little unpaved road in the foreground, I was driving again, directed to the city.


Five or six kilometers later, I was in suburbia ... and the world above me looked split.


The clouds were thick above the supermarket, but further to the center and the old town, the sky was clear.


I parked here, in front of the store ...


... and took a few more shots while waiting for the end of my friend's morning shift. The supermarket's advert board looks pretty monumental in this weather.


My friend on the photograph it's a clear sign that the post is about to end soon.


He's approaching the car in good mood, the work is finally over.


Soon we were driving back home.


Back in my hometown, when I left the friend by his house, I continued to the port instead of driving directly home ... and there, as I was photographing the seagulls in the bay, the rain started.


After this last shot through the window, I drove home ... and I don't remember what happened next ... so this memory has to end here - THE END.
As always in these posts on HIVE, the photographs are my work ... and as always on Saturday, when memories are involved, this is a post for the #saturdaymemories initiative, initiated by @olga.maslievich


Cloudy skies can be so beautiful! I especially liked these photos of snow-white blooms under a cloudy sky! Thank you, @borjan, for participating in #saturdaymemories


Thanks :) Always glad to participate.

The work is finally ower bek home ,,,,,, good ;))

heheh Houm bek - trudan kako brek :D

Ahhhh haaa ahh drunk beer kako brek ,.... some, some essential that it is not boring ;))

I love raining
Your post is reblogged and upvoted by me. It is a good post. Thank you @borjan