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RE: The last day of the year, which brought terrible news - war!!! #TheLongestTrip

When a person reaches the age of 18 years, he has many dreams and that is to see dreams. After that, if a person works hard day and night, he can achieve all his dreams. You and your doughters looks so cute and beautiful. Congratulations to your new home. Rassia and Ukrainian war have disturbed people all over the world. The whole world wants this war to end as soon as possible. We also have a family-like relationship with our neighbours. Your whole photography is awesome. We pray the coming year brings you all much happiness. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Thank you dear for your comments and support! We walk with faith in the victory of Ukraine, move on our way and thank God for our trip. I wish you, @djbravo, happiness in the New Year!

Happy new year to you too dear. God bless you.