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RE: Hello! Is anyone here? I know that you are out IRL :)

Tnx for the reply. I have seen your page but seemed like news site, so did not want to post there and did not know where else, since in the search only one group appeared.
Will send him those links but not very optimistic, he tried many of them and no wanted result so far. What I find very annoying is, although there are many organizations with aim to support, on international lever is hard to find some that might help from the beginning till the end, meaning, passing ppl form one to another bcs they can.t or won.t help. I say won.t because yes, unfortunately, some of those are on the scene just for money.
BTW, what I am doing with this young person is a part of Kiran project meant for refugees, and we are volunteers.
What is his situation, you can read in this post


Yep we are just starting with this project, and yes you are absolutely right while I was looking for information to send you I realized that there is no international aid foundations or projects. The only thing I found is that the Trevor Project gave a link so that they can start their asylum process, and that the United Nations also had a program for refugees.
To be honest the story you shared about Leo is heart breaking and I am very grateful that there are projects like yours that can help people who need so much help. I hope that our project manages to do something as good as what you do ♥️