Silver hockey dollar and pin

At the local coin shop i picked up this nice Canadian silver dollar,
It commemorates a hockey game in 1972 between the USSR and Canada, this coin was a great deal only 10% over spot and this particular dollar is sterling silver. While at the shop I also noticed this red cardboard with a pin in it on the counter I asked him what's that he said just junk and that I can keep it for free and so I did and it matches this silver dollar the pin is also sterling silver so it's hardly junk in my mind.

Coin specifications right below

That's it for today's post thanks for stopping by your support is truly appreciated


As they say, "He shoots, he scores!"

Lol yep this was definitely a nice score for me

That's great Canadian silver dollar. Hockey is such a sought after design !

The Canadian silver coin is so nice and beautiful.

This is the first time I would be hearing of such lovely name for a beautiful coin like this.

This is really a coin worth admiring I must confess

The coins look so shiny

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