Deliberating a Monster Raffle Donation

Yesterday the SGS Monster Raffle was Formally Announced and that means the clock is now ticking for me to finally make a decision about what prize to donate. Of course I want to support this community fundraiser but this is a tougher choice than it really should be. As an organizer I want my prize to be worthwhile and coveted but it can be pretty hard to compete with some of my fellow SGS members who own lots of silver that’s a fair bit cooler than my own!

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As an Australian and one of the only SGS members from this part of the world I am almost certainly going to be up for International Postage. That means there is additional expense and there is also a risk of whatever I post being lost. We have had international parcels intercepted in recent years and there are laws against posting bullion so I really don’t trust the international postage system. I could try to use a courier service but that adds even more expense. I’ve flirted with the idea of donating some Digital Silver but that kind of seems shitty and soulless so that option is already off the table.

Another idea is that I could order some silver from a North American Bullion Dealer and then ship it directly from them to whoever wins my prize. If history is any guide then there is a good chance it’ll be a North American winner and that makes it cheaper, easier and less risky for me, but it’d probably be something a bit generic so still not ideal. I was also considering hitting up one of our North American Artisans for a prize that might be a bit more unique and special but I don’t think they’d accept Crypto payment and I’ll need to ask around to see who is still pouring these days.

Yesterday @bitcoinman inspired an interesting idea - I could try and do a joint donation with someone. That could be a fun way for me to build up a bigger pot and reduce the postage risk but it also seems like a bit of a cop out. I really want my prize donation to say something about ME and where I am from. There are a lot of good Australian coins or I could donate some of my old STEEM rounds which our members who joined SGS post-fork might appreciate. It’s a dilemma! I know I’m overthinking it a bit but that’s kind of what I do. I’ve got 13 days to figure it out….but I eventually will so please stand by!


Bengy is for Australia, @buggedout .
Don't over-think it, hehehe!

Yes! Good point. I just have to convince him to buy all the tickets!

Also me. How much are tickets? :D

Yo buggs, if you want to slicken out your deal, I love crypto, live in North A., and have a few ozzy coins you could choose from. Just saying…

Maybe that’s too calculating, i don’t know — having a vino and had the idea… disregard if you like.

But also, great job getting the MR back. It is deffo the time to kick it up a notch.
Nicely done 👊😁

That's a great offer man, thanks. Will seriously consider it!


Is it normal to share your name and address on SGS?

Great question. Some do, but personally I like to keep my identity and address fairly private. In the past I've used a "Parcel Collect" service where you can get your deliveries at the local post office and then go pick them up manually.

@buggedout is extra. 😉 People don’t go sharing their names and addresses on hive (well some do), but most of us who have been around awhile know each other’s names and where we live. I have exchanged lots of packages with folks at Christmas, via the monster raffle, gifts just for fun…. I know all of those folk’s addresses. And when you send international you of course have to put an actual name on the custom’s form. Plus, quite a few of us have met in real life. 🙂

I am new to SGS. I live in Central Europe. We have different laws, customs regulations, customs... It's more complicated.

I hear you. The AML (Anti Money Laundering) laws have tightened up a bit over here in recent years. We should not all assume that things are the same as they are in the US.

Feel like yall know my name and where I live :D

Well that sounds like more incentive for an Aussie to win 😀

I hope you'll throw your hat in the ring and have a shot at it!

You got to make sure that I win, just to save you postage!

Well you know I can't rig the draw but that doesn't mean I can't cheer you on. Good luck @bengy

I hear where you are coming from but at the same time I don't think anyone is going to have an issue with you taking the easier route, You already do so much for the community. I have a question is anything done to prevent or remedy someone drawing the prize they donated? 🤣

Yes, I know. It's my own expectations that I've put on myself that I am trying to meet.

As for drawing your own prize, yes it can happen but the way we work it you always have the option to choose an unclaimed prize instead of the one you've won. So that's never really been an issue.

You are totally overthinking this. 🤣😂🤣

I sent a coin and a bunch of candy to @bearone when she won something I donated to monster raffle. It was no big deal. Postage was like $20 at the time.

Of course I am.

But it's been 4 years and I'm pushing to resurrect this thing so I want it to be a success and I'm trying to make a statement (of a sort). Have you ever deliberated over a gift for someone?

nah Bugg. thats only you mate. You ARE extra :D :D :D
Im happy with any freebie tbh- bonus points if youre like @dfinney and chuck in free lollies.

But I do get the concern and Auspot sucks on so many levels.

If I was concerned about postage I would purchase from a local seller (wherever they live) and get them to send it. If I wasnt, Id defo go with a Community coin.. Either mine or welshy's, simply because it was designed and brought to life by the SSG community and not some random coin.

girl... them cinnamon lollies were hella good. just sayin :D

I could help you out if you need someone Buggz

Thanks mate. Appreciate it.

Don't you wish you had stacking relatives in North America and Europe?

Well I kinda do!

Brothers from other Mothers...and...Sisters from other Misters.

I'm close by too. Maybe I can take a look at some of my little silver collection to donate. Let me take a look....

I won’t really be able to contribute to the prizes at least for this round. But hopefully soon or if there’s another way for me to contribute as long and i can then count me in.

Sounds like you are getting some pretty good solutions, too bad they make it tough to send bullion! If I can help let me know, I'm in the US too!

Could I ask you a favor, I increased my delegated HP today and I think it may have thrown a wrench in the vote system. When you get a chance could you check for me?

If I can help you Monster Raffle wise let me know!

Never mind, it just caught up!

Anything donated by your for this raffle will be worthy for every member of the community. So don't stress yourself.

If one is on SGS, seems one is missing out geeayly

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Nice one, my friend!