Living Under Apartheid in Australia

I was once a proud Australian. Here in the Land of Plenty it felt like we’d always been lucky and when the first wave of Covid came to our shores in 2020 we contained it. It seemed like we had dodged a bullet. Being an island country and locking down our society early appeared to be a good idea at the time. Our cases were low and the death count was tiny compared to our friends and allies overseas who were being ravaged….or so we were told anyway.


Life under universal lockdown was difficult for many of us in 2020, but as a bit of a lone wolf with the luxury of some financial security behind me (thanks mostly to crypto) that first lockdown was bearable. I never wanted to complain about it because I knew there were many of my fellow Australians who were doing it far tougher. We learnt a lot about Covid during that historic year of 2020 but I won’t go into the science of things in this post, I just want to tell my personal story. This post is about my life experience in 2021 because my psyche has changed a lot this year and I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again.


Even though life had returned to some form of “normal” at the start of 2021 during the beautiful Australian Summer, I had always expected there would be another “wave” to hit our shores. We all could see the dreaded Delta running wild in the Northern Hemisphere Winter and our media was pumping up the fear pretty early and clearly preparing us mentally for what was to come. Winter hit and we ended up in lockdown again. It seemed punitive to me at the time because we had testing and tracking for the 2021 wave and parts of the country were locked down even though they had no cases. The fear in society was so palpable that even a suspected outbreak from detection of Covid in our sewerage plants was enough to make peoples heads start spinning with anxiety and the media was heavily reporting on Covid stories daily. We were locking our society down at the drop of a hat while businesses were going broke. Mental health degenerated and suicides started to climb – but most of those inconvenient truths went unreported.


When news from the outbreak in India disappeared overnight and our politicians and media started pushing the vaccine as the only way out of this mess, it became obvious to me that something was not right and I started diving down rabbit holes to understand the science and try to figure out why. I’ve been struggling with this for months now and I am finally starting to get the clarity of mind needed to write about it. I hope to write a few posts about what’s going on in Australia over the next couple of weeks but for now I just want to stick to my personal story to provide the context for those future posts so please bear with me while I get this off my chest.

Things have moved very quickly these last couple of months. I personally have transitioned from bewildered outrage to blinding fury and now to steely resolve as the politicians and media have pushed their campaign for universal vaccination of the population. They have used such overwhelming coercion that I have never seen, nor expected to ever see, in this country before. What has really shocked me though is that so many Australians are on board and cheering for the blatant human rights abuses that are going on here. We can’t protest any of it effectively because protesting has now become illegal and there is police brutality against unarmed civilians happening on our streets regularly. This has all become normalised.


The politicians and media have basically told us that the lockdowns would not end until we submitted to their will. They have unashamedly extorted our basic freedoms for compliance and so far it has mostly worked. The lockdowns were hard, but we are now transitioning into a “New Normal” that is even more terrifying. We have instituted Medical Apartheid where those who have not complied with the powers demands are to be excluded from society. Many of my friends and family “got their freedoms back” on October 11 so long as they show their papers on demand. If you want to sit for a coffee, have a meal, or a beer at the pub – it’s papers please. No exceptions and with heavy fines for any non-compliance. Some businesses have tried to stand up and refuse to participate in the discrimination, but they’ve been getting dobbed in by Vaxists and shut down. It is the most un-Australian thing I’ve ever seen.


For me, it’s painful to watch the country I loved and the society I belonged to degenerate into fear, distrust and even hatred in this way. As a non-compliant I am still effectively in lockdown and I barely leave the house apart from the occasional walk for exercise. When the apartheid first started I was angry, but hopeful it would be over soon. Where I am we have the promise of a return to society on December 1, so it could be just 7 weeks – a “free trial” of apartheid if you will. At first I was looking forward to that date, but now it is really dawning on me….

This is a society that I no longer want to be a part of

I am not deluded enough to think that this is all going to be over on December 1 and that things will go back to the way they were. We are on a dangerous path here in Australia and until the masses realise this fact it is going to get worse before it gets better. What really terrifies me is the NEXT wave. I have seen what fear can do to people and I’ve seen the politicians and media all too ready to fuel and exploit that fear. They are already talking openly about refusing medical treatment and other basic services to non-compliant citizens. When I look at my kids it breaks my heart to think that this is the society that they are growing up in. I want better for them. I want better for us all.


While I can’t possibly know exactly how you feel or the rage you’ve amassed. I’m sorry that you are going through this. I know it’s rough decision that needs to be 100% thought through, but you might want to consider leaving Australia. While I wish things to get better and back to some sort of normal. Once the things you have mentioned and things I’ve heard from others occur like that. There is no turning back. They will continue to try and brainwash the citizens. The ones that don’t comply will be punished in a gradually harsher and harsher manner.
I have a friend who worked in Australia on a visa for ten years. He just came back to the states in May of 2018. He has some close friends in and from Australia. He has heard the horror stories first hand from them. A few have left the country already he said, but many are afraid to leave.
Whatever you decide my thoughts are with you brother. If there is anything that I can do for you just ask.
Try and keep yourself safe.

Thanks brother, I appreciate your compassion and support. I have been very seriously thinking about leaving the country even if it's only to dodge the next wave but our freedom of movement is heavily restricted right now. I also need convince the wife and to some extent she is still in denial about how bad this could get. Personally I want to stay and fight for my country and my kids so I'm giving it a few months more to see if the tide can turn. There are a few encouraging signs and people are slowly waking up, but it's still not enough people and not fast enough yet.

I totally get and respect that. Just don’t overlook the safety of your family which I’m sure you’re not. But sometimes our brawn defeats our brain. If i can help in any way let me know. Also please keep us updated when possible. All the best brother

The things happening around covid are just unreal. The powers that be (politicians) are taking this opportunity to remove freedoms and shore up their position with almost full buy-in from the masses thanks to the FUCKING MEDIA (which is run by said politicians)!!!!!!!!!!! It's disguising and it's wrong yet the majority just buy the fuck in and now I have friends I can't even talk to because I know they have bought in and when I try to talk with them it's nearly impossible as they just regurgitate the fucking narrative they've been fed.

I am quite shocked by what is happening in your country Bugged, a country I thought was more evolved than my own and it hurts my heart that things have gone so wrong over there. I just hope we are at the apex and things will get better from here but as I type it I know it's just not going to go that way. Caution at the beginning was fine but now that we know what we are up against the continued rules and controls are just ridiculous and the willingness of folks to go along with "the plan" is sickening.

Hang in there brother and thanks for posting this.

In Australia we have very consolidated media and both our major political parties are driving the same policies so there is a near uniform message being pushed out and no real debate across the country. I think that is one of the reasons why this agenda has got so far in Australia and I do have hope that the Land of the Free will not succumb to this madness.

Thanks again for your sympathetic ear mate. You have helped me get over my writers bloc and start publically talking about this stuff, so I really appreciate that.

It seems to me that there is a correlation between over reactive approaches to covid and Five Eyes Membership. There was a time, up here in the Confederation of Canuckistan, when we ran our own foreign policies. Trudeau Sr. welcomed Vietnam draft dodgers to our Nation. Prime Minister Chretien would not join in the US' illegal war in Iraq.

That all seemed to change after the creation of the Five Eyes Alliance. You will, now, find our troops staring down Putin in eastern Europe and our navy joining the poking of the dragon exercises in the Strait of Tiawan.

In most of the Five Eyes countries you will see policies being enacted that polls show the majority of the population does not agree with. The Deep State, which now runs the USA, has its hands on the levers of power in their Five Eyes lackey governments in my opinion.

You are right. The 5 eyes countries are ALL pushing this universal vax agenda. It goes even beyond that with lots of Western countries doing it too, but there ARE some countries who are clearly not on board and they are handling Covid differently. I'll be writing a little about those in my future articles because, to me, they prove that there is a better way.

Yes, most of South America, Africa and are handling things differently.

I'll be writing a little about those in my future articles because, to me, they prove that there is a better way.

Following with interest.

I'm convinced that this Wuhan virus is a Bio-weapon that succeeded in not only trimming down the Aged population but as a political weapon as well to usher in Authoritarianism with open arms.
In BC Canada more people die of Fentanyl overdose than Wuhan so where's the outrage and media over-reaction?
Look up the Barrington Declaration.

We will probably never be able to prove it, but I think it's entirely plausible that this has been a plandemic from the start. Just like the Patriot Act, there was too much of this stuff all ready to go and now they have the green light.

I've read the Barrington Declaration. There are a lot of good doctors out there that are being silenced and yet people still claim we are "following the science". It really is criminal.

There are a lot of countries that would be very happy to have the brave and talented Aussies that are standing up against this tyranny.

There needs to be a large organised movement of people leaving Australia over this and doing so in a very public way.

Australians are not permitted to leave the country. They now have to apply to leave, and it will only be granted if in the national interest. These were new laws that were passed in stealth.

Australia has returned to its roots, a prison colony.

Australia has returned to its roots, a prison colony.

So true!

We have already seen large numbers of people migrating out of Victoria in recent times but I haven't yet seen the stats of the last few months where the situation has become significantly worse. I suspect we will see a lot of people fleeing the country in 2021 but not in any coordinated way.

I can understand everything you said. I may be called out of touch with reality but I have no problem with that since reality us more of a nightmare. The same thing is going on here in the states. We haven't gotten to "vaccine papers please" yet as far as I know but we are having mandates, especially at hospitals where they are told to get vaccinated or they lose their jobs. I have read articles online and seen videos of medical personel talking about walking. My daughter called me look last week and said her husband has been given the ultimatem and may give in because he does not think he "can afford to lose" his job.
I do not own a t.v and ignore most of what is going on just because like you I do not want to be a part of it. This topic gives new meaning to as a man thinketh.

The universal vax agenda is being pushed all over the world. We are just a bit further along because, as a people, we have let it get this far. I hope that you and your son-in-law are able to #HoldTheLine over there in the USA because if the Land of the Free falls then we really will have lost.

I am deadset against it. He on the other hand is young and not very knowledgeable about the issue probably due to conflicting news stories spewing fear. My hope us that my daughter sticks to her guns in refusing the "jab".

Sending Prayers. Here in America the wind is blowing hot to do what we see playing out in Australia. The world has lost its collective mind and One World Government prophesied in the Bible book of Revelations is coming true. I never envisioned loss of freedoms in the United States, but I recently was emaeiled as non-compliant to the October 8th deadline to attest to receiving the vaxx. I requested religious accommodation and uploaded the document and a letter from my pastor October 12th.

I received another email stating since my employer receives 40% if their business from the federal government that all employees must be vaccinated by December 8th. When I uploaded my papers they had said it 'wasn't yet a mandate' so they would hold on to it until such a time.
Coercion. Now, supposedly, all employees who haven't received a vaccine or approved religious or medical accommodation will be terminated per the (unconstitutional) executive mandate. We are in a dark, dark period of time. I thank God for His provision of salvation.

The Blessing Australia was shared with me last year by an internet friend at Christmas and has become a favorite encouragement. I pull it up as a frequent reminder that we are not in this alone.

Thank you for your blessings. I hope that you are able to #HoldTheLine and resist the mandates as best you can.

You're welcome. Thank you for sharing your story and I will be praying for you and others I know who are there. I will allow myself to be fired before taking a forced medical procedure. Take care.

Incredibly, most people haven't even blinked their eyes at the fact we have been effectively classed by society. Rather than common sense, they want protection, especially by the government. Deep down a lot of people know that the rules are stupid but aren't willing to do anything about it due to fear, not of the virus, but of the police.

Indeed. That is the most dissappointing thing for me. I know many people who had been virtue signalling support for other oppressed minorities when it was popular but now they are silent. I am not sure if it is ignorance or cowardice but either way I have lost a lot of respect for a lot of people these last few months.

I no longer consider myself Australian.

I actually no longer consider this land to BE Australia.

It is certainly not the country I thought it was.

Crazy times here in Australia and the people that go along with this covid con are bringing the country to it's knees and they can't even see it😵

The stuff going on there have intrigued me and I appreciate reading a first hand account. I still can't wrap my head around how so many in Australia seem fine with it.

And I thought it was New Zealand that had all the sheep!
People are waking up buggs, all around the world. The rulers want us scared, disorganized and divided, so we can’t wield our power…
Just make more crypto power, and spread the word —> when they lose control of the money, they lose control of everything.

Right on brother. We win in the end, I have no doubt.

I just hope the tipping point is sooner rather than later so that we all can get through it.

I've always admired Australia's easy going culture and I hope it has survived this but I'm not sure. I would hate to see that die.

Do you think that your country disarming its citizens after 1996 has enabled them to so harshly repress you? Is it politically feasible to restore your rights to self defense?

It certainly didn't help, but it's been 25 years since then and culturally we have a very anti-gun mindset.

This isn't so much about physical repression as it is cultural and psychological repression. Many people here seem to be exhibiting traits more like Stockholm Syndrome where they love their oppressor(s) who "keep them safe" and they are willing to give up whatever they need to if it means they can be safe.

Our easy going culture and lack of turbulent history has made us lambs for the slaughter. Quite simply, as a people, we don't seem to know any better.

I can relate to every word you've shared.

When this all started, I made amends with my family, hoping to be some sort of guiding light for them, when (and if) the truth finally comes to light... however I get an increasing feeling that I'm losing the battle. Almost all of my family and friends have complied with the 'mandates' willingly and without hesitation, they can't or don't want to hear the things I (strategically) have to say.

I too have considered leaving this 'place I call home' and the 'country I love' but even that is looking less likely with each day passing. My heart breaks every time I see someone wearing a mask whilst alone in their car, or when I hear people talking with glee about how they just got their second 'jab' (I really don't like that word).

It's like watching the Pied-Piper whistle his way out of town with all the towns-folk dancing and singing behind him. Despite knowing there are others, such as yourself, fighting the same battle, I've never felt more helpless and alone.

I wish you the best of luck in your journey and the clarity of mind to make the right choices for you and your family.

I am not very involved or informed about the Covid measures and the draconian government, all I read about it comes from libertarian twitter accounts from there and damn, it seems that you guys are rapidly going down a rabbit hole that you won't be able to get out. I know a lot of Aussies from my travels, and they all seemed like libertarian-ish in the way that they would stand up to your government if something like the things that's been happening for the past two years happened, but it seems that I only got to know the Aussies that think like myself... Either way, I'm not sure what I would do in your position, you could leave, but any part of the western world is heading to that same direction as you... perhaps Eastern Europe to a place like Poland or Hungary?

Certainly NOT Hungary! Some hospitals there have already instituted the no-treatment policy for the unvaccinated. Also, medical personnel were forbidden from leaving the country "during the pandemic". Not sure if that's still the case at the moment, but any country that locks its citizens in is not to be trusted.

Thank you for writing this, it is so important that we have real true accounts of what is happening. It really angers and saddens me to see what is happening over your way. I lived in Australia for a few years back before I became a mother and I am shocked so many have gone along with this. Even my so called anarchist friends over there bought into the whole story.
For now, the only way to deal with this,is to disengage, create better infrastructure and completely step out of the system. Have you heard of freedom cells? That is what I am focusing on over here, because I refuse to let this be the future for my children. I am creating something better for them. Let them keep all the things that they use to enslave us. I know it is easier said than done, but we have to make hard choices now! Wishing you all the best and I will keep an eye out for your updates xxxx

Absolutely. I have been looking into, and talking to people about setting up parallel systems.

I hope we have got a few months of relative calm that we can use to get established.

Inconvenient truths are never reported - and if they leak out they get squished as much as possible. While across the world it is unbearable (in varying degrees) we hear that Australia is one of the countries taking the most strain. It is terrible. And seems to have no end in sight. Well written. You have written what many are too scared to voice. But as you so well put it @buggedout; ..."fear in society was so palpable ....."

Hi !
I am so happy to read your article. The first of its kind where I read a living being who fully assumes his reflection in the face of what is obviously only a scenario with which the masses have identified. Here in France, the situation is hardly better. I lost my job from the start because I stood up straight in the face of this collective delirium and protected my daughter by immediately removing her from school.

You say: "This is a society that I no longer want to be a part of".

If I may, one of your compatriots has been posing for years a really very interesting reflection on this subject: Romley Stewart and his channel "The Justinian deception".

Thank you very much and good luck to you.
Jérôme .