Timing the Next Monster Raffle?

in Silver Gold Stackers22 days ago (edited)

The last Monster Raffle organized as a fundraiser for the Silver Gold Stackers Community was held back in September 2023. It was a great success that helped elevate the Community Curation Project to a new level which it has mostly maintained for the last 8 months or so. Part of my job as custodian of the curation project is to make good use of those funds and stretch them as far as they can go, but we're getting to the point now where new decisions need to be made.

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On current course with our Leases and Cashflow we have another month or 2 at our existing level around 315K Hive Power before our finances will start getting tight again. So the primary question to ask is whether the community is ready and willing to put together another Monster Raffle this June or July?

Alternatively, we could continue to taper off our leases (which have been steadily dropping anyway due to natural attrition) and try to find a new equilibrium point with a slightly lower (but sustainable) amount of Hive Power. At the moment I'd estimate that we could be pretty sustainable around 280-290K Hive Power for another 3 to 6 months past July.

At the end of the day I am here to serve the SGS community and so it's important to know what the members of SGS want to do. I have been a bit busy with real life commitments lately but as we are heading into Winter here in Australia I hope to be able to find some more time for SGS. While the Monster Raffle can be a bit of work, it is also a lot of fun and something I and Old Mate @welshstacker have always been proud to be a part of.

What do the members of SGS want to do?


Always enjoy the raffle and supporting SSG

Monster raffle cool.

Including HSBI…. I wouldn’t want to donate silver, and mailing that silver, and buy tickets if there was a chance I would win HSBI.

Aside from funding the curation this raffle has always been about promoting silver stacking and promoting trust within our community (meaning being Ok to share your address with someone and trust that they will send your prize.)

Also, HSBI is only good for people who post all the time.


Well said. Thanks @dfinney

I’m with ya, just thought it might include more members. But totally understand. 🪙.

I prolly overthought it honestly 😂
Ur right!

I think the time is nigh! Looking forward to what you have in mind.

I won't be able to keep this cat in the bag long so I'll be posting about it in the next day or 2.

Ignore my suggestion! I changed my mind. It was stupid idea 😂


I just wanted to try and think of what would raise more funds. But fair point it might loose some of it’s original community purpose. These days everyone else thinks what will raise most, it’s nice that this will stay what it’s supposed to be even if we raise a tiny bit less. Cheers! 🍻 !PIMP

Oh damn, I was halfway through a reply to your suggestion 🤣

Cheers buddy, love the enthusiasm!

Just curious, what were u gonna say? It’s a no I’m told but just curious what u thought?

Well, I don't want to stir shit up when the format is not even decided but I will say that I don't want hsbi, or any other random hive-engine token. I would be less likely to buy tickets if that shit was a possible prize. Again, this is all hypothetical, but my first reaction to letting folks donate tokens instead of silver is, "I'm not going to donate a big prize if other folks can donate tokens, or if I win a prize and it's someone in Europe so they can replace the silver prize with an equal amount of some shitcoin.

Anyone donating should just price international shipping into the equation. I could be wrong on this but I don't believe there has been a major issue with undelivered packages. I'm sure there's been one or two but again, this is something I take into account before donating or buying tickets and should not be to hard for others to consider before buying/donating.

I don't look at this fundraiser as "let's get ALL the money from ALL the people", I look at it as a community event to not only strengthen the community coffer, but to strengthen the community itself, and to that end, adding random tokens so non-members can buy tickets is not the direction to go. And what's wrong with non-members winning some sweet silver, maybe it would nudge them into stacking?

@buggedout mentioned he has an idea to get folks involved without them having to donate silver and I'm interested in seeing that for sure.

I just feel we should keep the raffle like it was. If it's too much for some folks then so be, don't participate, and that is fine, it's all voluntary anyhow.

I think engine tokens would be. Huge bummer. I guess I bought the hype on HSBI that’s hyped in our discord 😅. Its definitely only gonna be silver 🪙

HSBI is not a Hive Engine token.

Yeah, I don't understand the hsbi hype. It's fine but it's not THAT great 😂

Yeah, I don’t think people realize these centralized projects are run by one or two people often and even if honest AF, if they get hit by a bus we will prolly loose the value.

Not a stupid idea at all mate. I think your enthusiasm is great too.

Aw man @geneeverett, you are out of PIMP to slap people.
Go Stake some more and increase your PIMP power.
(We will not send this error message for 24 hours).


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Raffle sounds good to me brother. Whatever the community decides I’m fine with it.

I vote for the raffle not because of voting power, but because who doesn't love raffles? 😁

I better get shopping earlier for something different, something out of the ordinary. 😉

I been ready and waiting 🤣 !BBH !LOL !ALIVE !PIMP

You must be killin' it out here!
@bitcoinman just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @buggedout.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Lets go!

I am good with whatever the group decides.

I like Gene's and Bulliontools idea of making HSBI part of the raffle in addition to silver. People who aren't into to metals like us might jump in for HSBI. I'll have to start shopping around for my donation for the next raffle!

See my answer as reply on @geneeverett's comment.

!PIMP the raffle and all the hard work you're doing for the community, I appreciate it !LUV

You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @buggedout.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

I’m good with whatever the community wants to do 👍

Just have a suggestion for the raffle itself.

(Deleted cause it was stupid suggestion 😂)

I agree, having such a tiny silver collection myself this time I'd not be in the position to donate any silver yet, but I'm more than happy to donate some HSBI shares to help make it more appealing for others who don't love silver. In the end it will still benefit the community to raise funds.

We're with quite a bunch of HSBI collectors and what I've seen is that quite a few people find the HSBI raffles interesting so they may not also be people who buy a ticket for the raffle.

My vote is for having a raffle if the community thinks this is a good moment, and I'm also for donating HSBI shares to make it more appealing and committing to donating these myself as well. I will tag you here @buggedout as the response is to your both lol.


I have an idea for this MR that you might like as it'll help you get involved without having to donate silver. I'll be making a post about it in a couple of days.

Saw it, don't know if that's better for me, could be. I will see when the time comes if I'm going to buy something to donate OR do that OR just buy tickets. Depends a bit on some other factors. Either way, I will buy tickets!


You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @buggedout.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @geneeverett.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District


The downside is that we lose our core focus and end up promoting a bunch of random coins and projects that might end up being scams. If we end up with scams or bad projects piggy-backing our MR promotion then I believe this hurts SGS reputationally by association.

Not so long ago everyone was shit hot about DHEGDE and that all went pear shaped. That's just the latest example.

If people want to win metals then the MR is the ticket. If they want to win other things then the MR is not for them. We aren't just in it for the cash, we are a community with principles and a core focus. I may be an outlier but that's my view.

100% agree!

Giving out some HSBI in addition to our core silver prizes = loosing focus? I don’t see it. But obviously I respect ur take as ur the one doing most the work to plan and pull off this event 👍 but I think us holding splinter land items instead of dumping it to power up more Hive is a worse look representation wise 😂

HSBI isn’t DHEDGE. I don’t think members would take the jump to wanna include more if we do HSBI. I know it’s not only about raising cash but isn’t that a big part of it? Again much respect to u my friend 🙌. Just personally don’t understand the comparison off these scammy other things mentioned.

So bottom line you don’t think it’s worth polling members to just feel out what majority think? Just a bummer in one regard. I know there’s people who don’t wanna have items shipped to an address they wanna keep private. Since the way we do it is who’s called picks prize it just sounds like a good idea. It won’t even affect the silver prizes. Just trying to look out for how to make this biggest success. I made my point. Cheers to u my brother! !PIMP

You must be killin' it out here!
@geneeverett just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @buggedout.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Sorry for opening up this can of worms…


Don't be sorry mate. It's always good to have suggestions! Just needed to point out potential downsides on this one and explain why we do what we do.

Noooo! Don’t feel sorry. 😃 You da bomb. ❤️

You Da 💣

But I couldn’t think of a song with “you da bomb” so here’s a Time Bomb 🙌

And of course Mable is also da bomb!



You must be killin' it out here!
@geneandashlee just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @buggedout.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

I'm in for the Fun. Regardless of my shipping cost, where it goes, and kept simple.

I think you have a good point there. You could even wait and see how my raffle pans out, as I'm essentially doing that: 1 HSBI = 1 ticket for a raffle to win up to 150 HSBI. So far it's at 55 tickets and I'm running it through June. You could hold off on the Monster Raffle until July just to see how it's received by everyone as a whole.

Plus, it might attract others who didn't consider stacking before to look at some of our posts and possibly get them interested. It could be a win on multiple fronts. 🙂

Yes and those that join and aren't that interested in silver, could pick the HSBI share prizes.. But let's see what others think..

I think this is an issue. We often have people try to join our community but they aren't really interested in the metals. I don't think we really want to exacerbate that.

After talking to them they make good point. It’s not just about getting most sales and funds. It’s not the purpose of it. I’m team my suggestion was stupid now 😂

I feel left out for not being tagged here !LOL

What do you think of the idea?


Dear @thisismylife, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @bulliontools.

I'm for, I wrote my answer as a reply to Gene with more detail if you're curious... !LUV

Apparently, I'm blind. 🤦‍♂️

No, it's fine I don't read all the other comments on the posts constantly either but to keep it clean I thought it was better to point to that comment :) lol

I think a monster raffle would be a good idea. End of July beginning of August.