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RE: My Computer Died, and I hate that I'm not computer savvy..

New computers always bring issues because they are just that-new! Things we've always just done suddenly don't work any longer and it can be frustrating as all get out! I hear ya sis, but stop and breathe! It will get better as you become more acquainted with it.

Think of it as a mystery that needs solving, and approach it as such. A challenge you will WIN! Take care sis! Lots of hugs and kisses headed your way!🤗😘💕🌸🤗😘💕🌸


Oh, goodness! I needed that!
Everything seems so hard!!!

I hear ya sis! I'm having router issues at work, and I am the IT person! Technology!🙄

I spent the entire Sunday, loading, deleting, reloading programs..... I give up!!!!

Hey sis! Can you download the same photo editor that you were using on the old computer to this one? If so, that might make things easier. Hugs and kisses, sis-🤗💕😘🌸