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RE: The 2020 Silver Panda for #WorldCoinWednesday

You are in, my friend. I played Für Elise in the piano last night before finally going to bed. You know what, I really should record it and use it as background music... yeah ... for the next one of the videos next week! Thanks for the idea. The Panda coins are great coins and always appreciate and command a premium even at the onset of the release. But I only buy them from regular dealers because I heard that fakes are abundant.
You know, it was just like yesterday when I observed that the weekend came so fast... well, it is here again! I can't wait to have a party here at home. It would be great to have a barbecue on July 4!
Have a wonderful day, my friend @silvertop, and take care 🥰🌺🤙


A Barbecue sounds wonderful @silversaver888🤗 Yes you should definitely record yourself and use the recording for background music! I also have heard the same thing about the panda. I shied away for the longest time even from my very reputable local dealer.He told me he would always buy back any coins I have, but I was playing it safe. Isn't it a shame someone always tries to cheat the other person.....
Got to go, Yard work is calling LOL have a good day my friend!😍😍😀