Little Free Library has more than 100,000 registered Little Free Library book-sharing boxes worldwide. Anyone can start a little library for their community.

Some little libraries are a shelf in a coffee shop and some are creatively designed and decorated book boxes in people's front yards.


You can take a book that you are interested in reading and, if you want. even return it when you are done with it. Usually I return more than what I take!


This one says 'We are done now You have Fun'


There is an app where you can easily find little libraries that have registered in your neighborhood.


Little Bird Book House




Someone put an 'apartment for rent' notice on the front of this one.



And this one also displays the house number. I would imagine delivery people appreciate having the address so cheerfully marked.



This concept of giving away books fits right in with @ecency 's slogan of- "Set it Free - Be Free"

As a reader, I frequently get buried under books and take grocery bags full to donate to my city library's book sale. Helping keep Little Libraries stocked is another great way of passing books along and uncluttering at the same time!

I have a lot of books that I can't bear to part with filling my bookshelves, but there are many that need to find their way to the next reader. I read between 75-100 books a year and they stack up! Reading ebooks has helped immensely with my book addiction overload.


Seeing all these Little Free Libraries helps me realize that I am not the only one who accumulates books!

@stevenson7 Come join us. I know you love books, too.

IYC contest #5 rules can be found in @beeber post- HERE


Posted using Ecency Love



Hi Melinda! I love the concept of these Little Free Library book sharing boxes, I wish there was something like that here.

I have a lot of books that I can't bear to part with filling my bookshelves, but there are many that need to find their way to the next reader.

My house is full of books, I love reading and my husband loves it more than I do, and he finds it hard to let go of books. But I agree with you that many of the books we have on our shelves should find their way to a new reader. And those little boxes are a great idea that gives life to who knows how many books and the possibility of how many more people reading them.

It is fun to go for a walk and unexpectedly get to go book shopping! You never know what treasures these little book boxes hold!

For sure, they enclose many treasures.
Happy Wednesday :)

Ah Melinda! I love this post and those boxer for the books are just great !LUV
Thank you so much for sharing this with us :-)

I hope it gets some attention and more people do book posts for the contest!

There are only a few posts, but therefore those we get are just wonderful :-)

Hello dear friend @ melinda010100 good day
How beautiful this is, I would love it if it could be done in my city, but I don't think it will work, there is a lot of vandalism at night, I think they will destroy it.
Beautiful shots as always I appreciate you making us known
enjoy the weekend

It makes me sad that people do not respect books and learning, but I'm sure you are right.

Little Free Library is a wonderful idea. One similar try in my hometown, was vandalised. Unfortunately, the problem nowadays is the general culture of young people who do not read books. They will spend endless hours on tiktok and on a monthly basis they will not have read a single book. Possibly annually. Personally I love reading, but I have found myself the latest books I have read to be all in electronic form.

Too bad about the vandalism. I do know some young people who spend a lot of time on tiktok who are also readers.
I love my Kindle and read mostly ebooks these days, too.

This is a wonderful idea. I wish a lot of people were into books, I would love to see and borrow some piece from those libraries. Maybe I can start it.

I'm currently even starting to build my own collection. I've only been ropped to ebooks since but now I have over a dozen hard covers. I mostly do book trades here.

Thank you for the tag. This is wonderful. One more reason to go to USA🤗

Hi :-) maybe some people from the booklovers want to join our contest and show us their favorite book shop?
Would be great to have a lot more entries to the


I will speak with @macchiata about a collaboration sort of thing

Yes great idea! I should have thought this before.
But the May contest is still running until next Sunday May 29


Thank you

Will look it up and possibly join

would love to do this!

Fun post. Love the Little Free Libraries! Vermont has a long history of Free Libraries. Vermont claims to have the most libraries per capita in the country. My little town of 1136 people has a library with a collection of 3961 books. 🙂 I share your problem with books piling up. I occasionally purge them to a library or used book store or a willing new reader. I have on occasion limited myself to the library to avoid buying and accumulating books but that never seems to last lol

Ha! I do the same! I vow to only read library books but then one comes out that there is a six-week or 3 month wait on and I can't stand it I have to go and buy it!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 106 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


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Beautiful book boxes. Hannover has a similar concept for old books, but the boxes are big as telephone booths and similarly intriguing :o).
I love these creative works of art and they seem to be frequented. That is the important thing.

Are all those mini libery or what,you guy would love reading very much,where i from in africa, if you want to cheat a person in business you just need to hide the teams of the contract in a writing.

Many people love to read for pleasure and entertainment and this is a way to share the books we have purchased with each other and pass them along so that the next person can enjoy them.

that's nice, it is not done like that in Africa

I use these often and it's great to see them all over the place. There's usually always something interesting in there, I see them as little treasure boxes.

I've been trying to reduce the amount of books I own over the years and have mostly consolidated them on my e-reader. These are really useful especially if you're reading a heavy hardback.

I love all the creative designs on these ones.