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RE: The keys

in Outdoors and more2 years ago

I have a keyless entry, but, learned when I lost power that it could be a fail. I also have the remote doors to the garage which have battery backup, but, I don't trust that.

So yes, I do have one that is well hidden outside, plus a neighbor where we swapped keys. We feed each other cats when one of us is away. It works well.

It is very true though. Many people just don't think anything will ever go wrong and maybe it won't...


I've wanted to put a battery backup on my garage doors but never got around to it. Maybe next weekend. 😏

I don't have someone who I'd trust with a key, not close enough to make a difference if I lost my keys anyway. So, I've rectified my key situation in an innovative and secure way and should the power go out, or I lose my keys, I'll still be able to get in.

Mazel Tov! That is the important thing! Being able to get in. Hopefully, I will never need it, but, if I do, I think I have it covered. No... I have it covered. I am pretty fortunate in that we have never (knock on wood) had any break-ins or any vandalism here. I left the garage door open with all of the tools, saws, etc out on display for three days while I was at the shore house and came back to the doors open wide! I opened the door with the remote (hey! whatsa behind me, I donta care!) Oh, my! it totally freaked me out, but, guess what? Not a thing was touched.

Never happened again. For sure.

 2 years ago (edited) 

I grew up in an area where we locked nothing, ever. These days...Nah, everything is locked. It's sad really.

It sounds like I'd like your suburb; sounds safe and a nice neighbourhood. (Neighborhood, for you Americans.) 😊

Oh don't worry I sometimes read pretty good Aussie. I think it's amazing especially living right outside of Washington DC. But we do feel fortunate and there are many neighborhoods like this in the US, especially small towns but sometimes larger ones too. My family lives all over the US and nobody has any issues with their neighborhood which like you say is pretty awesome. My house out on the shore is even better because nobody out there locks anything.

I'd like that. There's places like that here of course, and I don't live in a bad neighbourhood myself, but I still lock things up. I guess it's just habit now.

You don't have to live in a bad neighborhood to have petty crimes. You know how bored kids act. :) Bad neighborhoods protect each other. I was in the habit of locking up, so I still do. Of course, the people on the shore think I am crazy, but, the people on this side understand it. I always err on the side of caution. I have nothing to lose by that.

It's a good habit, for sure.