Financial matters

in Outdoors and more28 days ago


I'm reasonably savvy when it comes to financial matters and have been quite successful in respect of my own life when it comes to money; I've made some bad decisions as all of us have but I have made far more good ones which have paid dividends. That doesn't just relate to income, investments and savings but also when not to spend...and when to spend.

I have several hobbies that are not at all cheap to fund and firearms and shooting are one of those.

Buying firearms themselves, and the accessories and equipment required, is incredibly costly if one wants to do it right, and I do. Further to that is the cost of licensing, memberships, getting to the places one shoots, the travel and vehicles that carry one there (4x4 pickup trucks), and other associated's costly. Then add in ammunition.

I usually shoot hundreds of handgun ammunition in various calibres such as 9mm, .38 Super, .357 and others each weekend, many thousands a year. I go through rifle rounds at a lesser rate but over a year shoot a couple thousand of those as well. I make my own ammunition - with handgun rounds it's because it's cheaper and with rifle ammunition because I need precision hand-made rounds to get the accuracy I desire at long range and because it's cheaper than buying Match Grade ammunition - I'm not saying it's cheap, just cheaper.


The components that make up a rifle round: Case, primer, projectile and powder - This is a 6.5mm Creedmoor rifle round.

I've not bought handgun ammunition for a long time but had to buy some recently.

When I shoot, I collect the spent cases (brass) which go through the process of being reloaded (made back into ammunition) which I've posted about before. They eventually wear too thin though and are useless, and some are never recovered, so I either have to buy brand new cases or buy ammunition which I shoot then collect the cases for reloading - I generally do the latter rathe than simply buy brass.

Last week I bought 1,000 rounds of Sellier & Bellot (S&B) 9mm Luger 124gr FMJ's (full metal jacket). It's an easy sentence to write...but not easy on the pocket.

They cost $699.00 (AUD) and when you consider I shoot around 300 of rounds a weekend...well, you can see how it gets costly. Luckily I have a mate who works at the gun shop I purchased from so got some discount and only paid $'s still a lot.


A 9mm Luger round and the handgun I shoot it in.

I always keep a lot of ammunition at home, I work on a minimum stock level of each of my calibres, so these rounds will go into the rotation and as they get shot will be reloaded. At $0.63 cents per round to buy factory ammunition it's costly fun but considering the brass will be reloaded (by me as I said above) at the cost of about $0.35 cents per round...I think you can see the saving.

It costs money to put together a reloading set up especially when multiple calibres across handguns and rifles are required but it saves money and that's a good thing. Fortunately I don't buy factory-made ammunition much but every 12-18 months I have to so I can replenish the brass I lose and from a financial aspect it makes sense to do it this way. I know people who only shoot factory-made ammunition and they tend not to shoot a lot due to the cost; I like to keep my skills sharp so I shoot a lot and that means being financially responsible and making good decisions.


Freedom pills

I don't have a money tree in my back yard, I work incredibly hard and have done all my life to provide the financial means to travel, have hobbies and a few nice things and to sustain life itself. I have to be careful with money, have a need over want ethos and make things last. I have to make good decisions and while it might be less costly to have no hobbies, or cheaper ones, why the fuck would I if I don't have to?

I only have one life and I think it's best to live it as well as I can while I have it which I do through the travel and hobbies, having a few nice things...all provided for by hard work and effort...and through making good financial decisions.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


Some hobbies are cheaper then others and vice versa. I collect empty cases from my first shooting. I don't have reloading equipement yet, but I would like to buy it in the future. And cases don't eat my bread 😉

It's good that you're collecting them as one day you may have reloading equipment to turn them back into ammunition; the process is quite rewarding.

Life as it is today has become very difficult due to the financial situation but the good thing is that you are living your life the way you want and do what you love.

It's difficult here too, inflation and the rising cost if everything is our if control and wages and salaries are not keeping up.

Yeah I totally agree with you.

I always do mental calculations when anything money is being discussed, as I did with this one. It's an expensive hobby alright but if it's your passion and then your money, it could be very well worth it spending on what makes your life beautiful, after all, you live it once.

Yeah, it makes sense to do the things I'm interested in while I'm alive...too late when I'm dead huh?

You only live once so better live it having some fun with your hobbies. I like the way you provide your ammunition, it probably makes it even more enjoyable than just purchasing. Similar to going downhill with the mountain-bike after you've been able to go uphill. 🙂

It adds a different element and I like th repetitive nature of the process. I also like knowing that my ammunition is quality made and won't fail me.

Wow, I didn't know bullets cost that much. Getting that discount would really make a difference. I wonder if it is possible for you to get into contact with suppliers of the different components so you can save more.

Components come in by the container load and those who import them don't sell directly to the public.

Gotcha, that's a shame.

Hi Galen, I had already read in another post that you recycled the bales, and I like to say recycle because I think there is not only an economic aspect to what you do, but also a way to take care of Nature.

As for the expenses, I am also aware that money is not born under a tree.

Best regards and have a great afternoon.

There's many reasons for doing it and the environment is certainly one of them.

I hope you're well.

I'm fine, I guess I'll see you tomorrow; have a nice evening.

There are things that are worth it no matter how expensive it might be.

If you work hard every single day to make money, why not spend on yourself?? There's always a use for money but and i don't see what you do as waste of resources even if firearms aren't my field.

Oh right! We only got one life, live to the fullest ❤

Life must be lived, it makes sense right? Hurrah for life!

My wife said between my whiskey collection and my record collection I need to find a cheaper hobby. I mentioned that crypto is kind of a hobby for me too and hopefully one day this hobby will support the other ones. I remember sitting at the bench and reloading with my friend @a4xjeeper when he and I lived together. He has a whole room at his house dedicated to his guns and reloading supplies.

I have a workshop dedicated to my firearms, safes, reloading and other related things as well. It's immaculate, secure and quite enjoyable about to be in, comfortable and all. I've got a coffee machine, fridge and all...I could live in it really. Lol.

Hobbies are often costly. I have friends with speed boats for instance, very costly, others with drag and racing cars, also incredibly expensive. Fun isn't cheap I guess.

No, I would imagine it isn't. You know what they say about boats... Bust Out Another Thousand. I would have guessed you probably have a pretty impressive room for your guns and reloading.

I've never owned a boat but understand the costs and that one always seems to be spending on them, same with race cars...and guns I suppose.

Travel trailers too. My wife and I were just discussing all the maintenance costs of our camper the other day.

Yeah, those too. I'm off to look at a new one on the weekend actually, just exploring options.

Good Luck! Have Fun!

Sounds tedious to reload all of those, however, I have done things along that the way that were tedious that I loved a lot, so since it's your hobby and you enjoy it, I understand doing it..... along with the cost savings.

I think it's healthy to have a hobby or two and to spend some money on them. Life needs a good balance of working and playing.

It can be tedious to reload the rifle rounds at times, I'm going for precision. With handgun rounds I use a progressive press which is as simple as keeping the components topped up and pulling the lever to make each round. I made a post on it a few years ago with videos and all.

Life should be balanced, I agree for sure!

I remember reading about it before.

I do sometimes prefer my life unbalanced, but I mean that as in, more play than work. 😂

Lol, well yeah I agree with that. I guess I mean not weighted strongly towards work and balanced (in the appropriate proportions) the way that works for the individual.

I read you and remembered the bad financial decisions of the past, but I learned! I was saving in my local currency, what a horror! The Argentine peso is devaluing and that is beyond repair. But I had no one to teach me, I learned by myself from my mistakes. So I learned to manage my finances better since I am here and in the process of getting to enjoy those tastes that I have.

You work very hard, very hard in life, give yourself all the treats!

Learning from mistakes is a good way to find improvement. ✅

I know, but you don't know how angry I was when I made such a mistake. But I learned a lot!

I can only imagine, but down the track you've learned some lessons and are in a better situation now right?

In terms of learning much better... the rest with projects going on! And new ones to start!

I do agree with you that there's only one life to live, so why not live it enjoying it. Moreover there are a lot of stressors, if one can find any means of loosening it up a bit, I wouldn't think twice before splashing some coins on it, that is subject to availability...😊

Yep, life must be lived while we have it; I agree.

I think having those hobbies is a great help to release the stress caused by work.😊
That's how my husband convinced me about his hobby in sound system.😁

Hobbies are there to enhance a person's life, keep them engaged and and happy so most are good ones.

I agree. Having hobbies give colors in our life.😊

Definitely shooting is a very expensive pick for a hobby, can't wait to see you in some action movie though if you're into that😁

It's costly, no doubt.

If I might ask, what's your favorite though? machine gun, pistol, AK 47 or Sniper rifle

That's not a question I'll be answering on the internet.

Interesting. It appears to be lethal weapon.

I wanted to buy a non-lethal rifle to chase Monkey away from my garden. Which one should I go for?

I only have one life and I think it's best to live it as well as I can while I have it which I do through the travel and hobbies, having a few nice things...all provided for by hard work and effort...and through making good financial decisions.

True. It's not very hard to earn money, but quite tricky how to save it when to spend it and how to sustain it.

Thank you.

A non-lethal rifle? They're all lethal.

That's true, but I am planning to buy a non-lethal rifle.