
That's exactly what I'm looking for. Yea, I'm in the U.S. How much do they usually charge to get into the competition?

Posted using Dapplr

It depends...It's costly to get set up generally... Different matches cost differing fees. State titles are $100 entry, my club matches are free. One has to be an IPSC member though and that costs about $100. It used a lot of rounds too. The match on the weekend was over 150. A State titles could be 250. It all depends though.

That ain't too bad. I'm not looking for a title anyway. Only person I'm really interested in beating is myself. Bet it's tough with the ammo shortage right now. Lol.

We have a gun club around here, but I never really cared for it. Shooting from a box, goofy range officers driving you nuts even when you're being safe....🤪 To many EXTRA rules....

Might be willing to join for that though. Have to look into it. Thanks for all the info!

Posted using Dapplr

I make my own ammo so there's no shortage...I have a lot of ammo for all of my guns, I'm a prepper.

IPSC is still regulated by range officers but it's dynamic and not static shooting off a line. That shit sucks. I also do this same thing with long range rifles which is also fun. Long range shooting is more my thing to be honest, but one need skills in all areas right?

Good luck with it.