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RE: Play station

in Outdoors and more2 years ago

I'm penning a letter to my mate, the commander of the Australian Defence Forces (ADF) requesting he changes the name of tanks to gun cars. I think there's a good chance of it happening. Our enemies will be like...

Oh shit, there's the Aussies and their gun cars, let's get the fuck out of here!


Lol, that would be cool, your nephew would make the history books for the coolest name change ever.

It's a magical age when they make up their own words. I've had a few chuckles for the same reason. Cute little guy, I hope you get to spend more time with him again soon.

It's a magical age when they make up their own words.

Ok...but what is a person is still doing it at 52? (I'm asking for a friend)

Lol. That's just called being a knucklehead 🤣

That's just called being a knucklehead

I'll own it...A cute one though right?