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RE: IPA Night Walk

in Outdoors and morelast year

Just so you know...I wrote this message on behalf of

Having a meaning behind the rule won't help those who overlook the rule.

The meaning is that I only speak and read in English and all my communities have the same rule.

I appreciate your apology, perhaps take a read of the rules on the community feed page and the posting guide also. I'm not asking you to post in English only though, it's your choice to do so or not; I do enforce the rules I have set in the communities I own though.

This is my community and as such I set the rules according to my wishes, and enforce them. I understand your comment about an explanation of the rule however I don't feel it's a requirement to justify the rules in a community I created and own.

My rules are there to keep my communities looking good and so that any who decide to post there know what to expect. I invite anyone to post there, however if they choose to do so it's done under the parameters I've set. I don't like muting great content like yours, however I have to do it to keep in fair and equitable for everyone who chooses to post in my communities, as do the other community owners and admins with their own communities.

All the best, and thanks for your replay which allowed me to clarify for you.


Thank you for the explanation. I find it impractical and illogical to mute bilingual articles, but I respect you and will avoid your communities. Have a nice day.

I find it illogical that a person would feel so entitled as to come into someone else's house complaining about how things should be.

Thank you for avoiding my communities, I appreciate it greatly.