IPA Night Walk

in Outdoors and more11 months ago (edited)

IPA is a kind of beer (India Pale Ale). It's also short for Isopropyl alcohol. Or - last but not least - it's International Police Association.

The latter organises, among other things, regular tourist marches. These are mostly attended by soldiers and police officers, but are open to the public as well. My son has taken part in them several times with the scouts, this time we went together. IPA night march, 21 km in the vicinity of Hranice na Moravě.

The start (and finish) was in the barracks of the 7th Mechanized Brigade in Hranice. And here I will not forgive myself to write one thing. This event was organized by the army, and it was recognizable. The army is literally obsessed with perfect organization. Everything described, signs everywhere, arrows, everything planned and lined up. In fact, I didn't have to worry for a second about where to go, where to register, where to park, where to pick up what. And it wasn't the "dim-witted officer" organization that some of us know from our compulsory service in the former communist CSLA. You could see that everything was optimized for efficiency. Even though there were about 150 people registered for the night march, there was no queue, no chaos anywhere, all the pre-start activities worked like a well-oiled machine. This is not to say that the "civilian" events suffered from any chaos, they did not. But here the military organization and emphasis on maximum efficiency was evident in literally every detail.

IPA je střešní krytina. Nebo je to druh piva (India Pale Ale). Taky je to zkratka Isopropylalkoholu. Nebo - v neposlední řadě je to International Police Asociation.

Posledně jmenovaná pořádá mimo jiné i pravidelné turistické pochody. Účastní se jich převážně vojáci a policisté, ale jsou otevřené i pro veřejnost. Synek se jich několikrát zúčastnil se skauty, tentokrát jsme šli spolu. Noční pochod IPA, 21 km v okolí Hranic na Moravě.

Start (i cíl) byl v kasárnách 7. mechanizované brigády v Hranicích. A tady si neodpustím napsat jednu věc. Tuto akci po technické stránce zajišťovala armáda, a bylo to poznat. Armáda je totiž doslova posedlá dokonalou organizovaností. Všechno popsané, všude cedulky, šipky, všechno naplánované a nalinkované. Vlastně ani na vteřinu jsem nemusel řešit, kam mám jít, kde se registrovat, kde zaparkovat, kde si co vyzvednout. A nebyla to taková ta "gumácká" organizovanost, co někteří známe z povinné služby v ČSLA. Bylo vidět, že všechno je optimalizované na efektivitu. I když na noční pochod bylo přihlášeno přes 150 lidí, tak nikde žádná fronta, nikde žádný chaos, všechna předstartovní činnost fungovala jak dobře seřízený a namazaný stroj. Tím nechci říct, že "civilní" akce trpí nějakým chaosem, to ne. Ale tady ta vojenská organizovanost a důraz na maximální efektivitu byl vidět doslova v každém detailu.

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This is a really good post, (a great post in fact) however doesn't meet the guidelines of this community as it is not posted in English only. There is a posting guide pinned to the top of this community and the riles also state English posts only.

Unfortunately, this post has been muted. If you'd like to edit it as above *and let me know in reply to this comment, it will be unmuted and voted upon.

I'm sorry, I overlooked that rule. It's my fault.

Perhaps some explanation or justification should be added to the rule. People are more willing to follow rules if they know the meaning.

Taky si říkám, proč zrovna jenom anglicky? Mělo by to být jenom esperantem.

Budu parafrázovat Cimrmana: Založil si komunitu, ale chodili mu tam lidi.

No, pokud by tam byly slušné odměny... Já myslím, že dost lidí by to esperanto dala.

Having a meaning behind the rule won't help those who overlook the rule.

The meaning is that I only speak and read in English and all my communities have the same rule.

I appreciate your apology, perhaps take a read of the rules on the community feed page and the posting guide also. I'm not asking you to post in English only though, it's your choice to do so or not; I do enforce the rules I have set in the communities I own though.

All the best.

Just so you know...I wrote this message on behalf of @outdoor.life:

Having a meaning behind the rule won't help those who overlook the rule.

The meaning is that I only speak and read in English and all my communities have the same rule.

I appreciate your apology, perhaps take a read of the rules on the community feed page and the posting guide also. I'm not asking you to post in English only though, it's your choice to do so or not; I do enforce the rules I have set in the communities I own though.

This is my community and as such I set the rules according to my wishes, and enforce them. I understand your comment about an explanation of the rule however I don't feel it's a requirement to justify the rules in a community I created and own.

My rules are there to keep my communities looking good and so that any who decide to post there know what to expect. I invite anyone to post there, however if they choose to do so it's done under the parameters I've set. I don't like muting great content like yours, however I have to do it to keep in fair and equitable for everyone who chooses to post in my communities, as do the other community owners and admins with their own communities.

All the best, and thanks for your replay which allowed me to clarify for you.

Thank you for the explanation. I find it impractical and illogical to mute bilingual articles, but I respect you and will avoid your communities. Have a nice day.

I find it illogical that a person would feel so entitled as to come into someone else's house complaining about how things should be.

Thank you for avoiding my communities, I appreciate it greatly.

U jaké zbraně jste získal svou hodnost pane nadporučíku? :-)


Na konci osmdesátek jsem u nich dělal v Č.K. chemického náčelníka (než je šoupli do Štúrova) :-)

Já v půlce osmdesátek v Kolíně, velitel čety. Nenadávám na to a nelituju - každá zkušenost se hodí.

Přílišná organizovanost je někdy na škodu. V nějakých pamětech jsem za I.sv.války narazil na zmínku o důstojníkovi, který se těšil na to, až po válce zase budou pořádné manévry. Žádný válečný chaos, žádná improvizace...

Právě že organizovanost a improvizace se do značné míry vylučují. Ale válka je jedna velká improvizace. I když štěstí přeje připravenému.

Vůbec bych se nedivil, kdyby vojenští plánovači měli naplánované i procesy pro případ improvizace (jakkoliv je to protimluv).
Třeba taková drobnost, které jsem si všiml: registrace probíhala normálně v budově. Pravděpodobnost, že během akce ausgerechnet vypadne elektřina je asi tak setina promile. Ale u rozvaděče byla nachystaná elektrocentrála... Normálního člověka by to vůbec nenapadlo, nebo by to neřešil, nebo by improvizoval až by se něco stalo. Armáda má rutinně nachystaný záložní zdroj.

To, co může být na škodu, je rigidní a důsledné lpění na předpisech. Údajně železničářský odboj za války tímto způsobem dokázal v případě potřeby dopravu doslova paralyzovat.

Hey @pavelsku, here is a little bit of BEER from @zirky for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.