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RE: Cold bore dope

in Outdoors and more3 years ago

Yep, reading something alone is ok in some cases but in many applications it's not going the best to do in isolation. A combination is the best. I've had a lot of training with firearms in my 30 years of shooting, have read so many books and have put in countless hours behind the gun...I can still only say I know a little.


And I guess you could write about with that little knowledge you have and it would be a good contribution to that niche.

Yeah, I think after 30 years I have something to contribute.

Remember to send a signed copy! 😂

Lol, I'm more hands on so my contribution would be practical in nature I think. I just wrote these posts for fun.

Oh, well. That is also worth checking out.

I'm a good teacher/instructor and only resort to beatings when fuckers don't listen. 😂

Ha, ha, ha. Nothing beats a good ol' fashioned beating when your attention is elsewhere or you are annoying. Conductism works so well I don't understand why it was abandoned! 😂