Researching - Comparing - Evaluating

in Outdoors and more23 days ago


I've been looking at trucks today; I'm not actually certain I want a new truck but because I'll be buying a new caravan I figured I'd investigate trucks at the same time. So I went 'scouting' which is something I quite enjoy doing to be honest.

I saw a couple I like today, big fuckers, and managed to check out a few decent caravans also and...but am no closer to a decision. I started off at the Dodge dealership looking at the Dodge Ram 1500 TRX then drove over to Chevrolet trucks as well however at both I was less than impressed with the people I spoke with, they didn't listen to me and my requirements and seemed intent on trying to sell me that which I did not need so I lost interest and headed over to look at some caravans instead.

As I said, I don't need a new truck because I already have a legit twin-turbo diesel-suckin' V8 truck that is more than capable of hauling whatever caravan I get - which will be something in the vicinity of three tons in weight - but because I'm diligent and like to know I've made the right decisions in life I tend to research, compare and evaluate my alternatives prior to moving in a particular direction and I like to plan ahead, buy a little more than I need in the present, as well. This has helped me make better decisions that I'm more content with moving forward.




With the caravan (and truck for that matter) it's a pretty complex decision to make, there's many angles, perspectives and considerations.

Some of those are basic things like overall size (I need to know I can garage my vehicles), ongoing cost of running and maintenance, the off-road ability of both meaning the truck needs to be four wheel drive and I need to be able to get the accessories I require easily and the caravan needs to be a genuine off-road trailer capable of handling the rough stuff.


One of my favourite places.

Of course, the caravan needs to have the right equipment such as lithium batteries, solar system and inverter, water tanks, reverse-cycle air conditioning (Australia is hot in summer), indoor and outdoor (slide-out) kitchen, a refrigerator/freezer, diesel generator, storage and so on...That's not to mention a suitable suspension system (independent), acceptable tow bar weight (on the tow bar of the truck) and an overall ATM (aggregate trailer mass) weight that is acceptable for the vehicle and generally - Heavy caravans means greater fuel usage on the vehicle and towing is more problematic including when off-road. There's a lot of other considerations like layout and all, however I don't want to bore you.


Back in the day I was happy to sleep on the ground in my swag (I've done a post on that item before here) and have slept on the ground more times than I could count but as I get older I'm looking for a little more comfort and ease of use. I have an off road camper trailer currently, but there's a little bit of set up on that and I'm looking more for something I can simply open the door and get into instead. It will cost me a lot more (a fuck load more) but that's the only way forward. I still have my swag and use it now and then when I go into the wilderness alone, but comfort is the focus now.

I had a reasonable time looking around today and saw a few things that made it clearer raised new questions to ponder but that's what the whole process is about: Research, comparing and evaluating.

I've been off-roading and camping, including with camper trailers, for so many years - I know a lot - so I'm not out there learning about that; it's about understanding what will work for me, suit my needs now and into the future, because...well, it's a fuck-ton of money to spend and getting it wrong isn't something I'm keen on doing.

What have you researched intensively prior to purchasing? Tell me about it in the comments or ask me any questions you'd like, or just fucken say's your call.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


Come to think of it, I have not really been in purchasing mode the last few years with a young family and building a business of my own. Money comes in and goes back out for lifestyle and debt reduction.

On of the reasons I am loving hive lately is to shop and travel vicariously through others. My wife has always wanted one of those caravans and we haven’t even made small steps like starting with a pop up trailer. We still tent and sleeping bag several times per year but what I wouldn’t do with one of those big ads trucks and caravans!

Maybe when Hive reaches $10, I will have to come back and revisit this post. ;)

I get it man, I was the same as I've had businesses in the past and one of which still operates now, 32 years after starting. (I don't work in it though). They have a way if sucking up money initially.

I have all the stuff to go camping in a very basic way and when I go hunting that's usually what happens. I don't mind it at all, but due to some of the things I've done in my younger years my back and knees protest from time to time and I have to find different ways to do the things I live like camping.

The reason I need a self-sufficient caravan is because I live remote places and that's where I'll take it, I'm not much of a caravan park guy. It means I have to spend a little more but I'm ok with it.

God luck with the business and when Hive reaches $10...well, I'll celebrate as much as the next person.

Okay, I'm taking this call to just fucken say Hello, have a splendid weekend 😂

Haha, yep good call!

You bet

I've only usually seen the trailers in movies, and they usually look cramped and old. So I was really surprised when I saw these pictures of modern ones. They look like studio condo units and are really nice. I didn't even know they can come with AC. How much do those in your pictures usually cost?

I've been researching heavily on what stocks to buy lately. I recently sold one and am looking for a new one to buy.

The blue on in the image above is usually $145,000 AUD but is on sale at $125,000. The other white and orange one is $93,000 AUD. These things are not cheap.

Oh wow, they are the price of a house and lot already in the Philippines. Yeah, those aren't cheap haha.

Indeed they are, but not here. The average house price in the State I live in is $700,000 and it's even more on the Eastern Seaboard. Still, these caravans are costly, no doubt. That's why it's important to get it right when buying one.

Yeah. Good luck on your research and purchase.

How cool, with a caravan, a bike and a camera I'm going to travel the world.
I would live comfortably in one of those things. It doesn't matter if it's small. I'd spend more time outdoors camping. hahaha... dreaming, mmmmm, dreaming...

They're pretty great really, although there's maintenance, registration and insurance costs, plus caravan parks charge to stay's not a. Heap thing, but I want to be a little bit nomadic in years to come and this is how.

Some people will live in these things all the time, one can arrange a permanent site at a caravan park or some will move around chasing the good weather. I think it'd be a good life to some extent. You?

I'd be in, if I could. Digital nomad. In Caravan... and remember the bike, it can't be missed.

 23 days ago (edited) 

They have racks that attach to the back so that one can haul a couple bikes.

😍 I know... I will keep dreaming.

I am sure, as you see more models, new questions arise, but I am certain caravan hunting is a great experience as they are more and more equipped.
Have fun!

There's so many features to consider and while they may all seem the same there's subtle differences that need to be considered. I like to ensure that all my equipment that I go off-road with is the right thing and the best I can life may depend on it at some stage - Australia can be an unforgiving place.

I agree, but sometimes it is a little bit overwhelming with so many options.
I used to go camping every summer with my family when I was a child, but it was not an adventure, it was just parking the caravan in a camping and spending the summer there. I enjoy nature and have no problem sleeping anywhere but it is a way saver experience than being alone in the wilderness.

Still, even with all the equipment you may have, I love the sensation of having to think twice to solve regular everyday issues you do not have to worry at all while being home. I love that challenge, it keeps my brain thinking.

It can be for sure. Knowing what one needs and wants, what is essential, optional and not required is the key.

In Australia going to remote areas means one is in great danger; it's brutal and unforgiving and that's when it pays to know what one is doing...and that's part of the attraction to me, the challenge of it, as you mention.

Hello Galen! These caravans on display are simply out of this world, celestial and I was just curious about the price, I know they cost a fucken ton of money.
They are beautiful and it would be very nice to make informed decisions as regards the purchase of another one.
I wish you luck.😊

They're pretty good and are loaded with features. Pricing is high, $80,000-$150,000 (AUD) generally although there are more expensive and some cheaper ones, (about down to $55,000).

You know, my brother is the one who has the idea to buy a caravan later on and just drive around countries with it. He loves that... and me too. I never had one but it would be really crazy cool!!!!

I always do a lot of research before I buy something. At the moment I'm looking at two things I'm looking at: a mobile phone and a camera lens, I think I told you something. I've more or less made up my mind and.... saving money!

Don't doubt that when I find out about the caravan I'll ask you about it hahaha .... I've also slept on the floor!

Researching products prior to buying them makes sense right? Especially if they are very costly.

Absolutely right, I don't want to make a mistake.... money is not to be thrown away!

Wow! many aspects to evaluate to make the decision between the truck and the trailer; when buying I also like to consider several elements such as functionality, product quality and that it suits my requirements, in my case I love sewing and I have been looking for a while for a machine with specific features for the space available at home, when I think I finally found it there is a but, it lacks some of the basic functions I need to work more comfortably.

I hope you will soon be able to decide which is the option that best suits your requirements, sometimes it is difficult to make a decision.

Best regards!

Making the right decisions on costly things or those we will use a lot is important to the ongoing use, effectiveness and enjoyment of the item. I enjoy the process, narrowing down the options and building the decision. How about you, do you enjoy the process or not and why, in either case.

Making the right decisions regarding the purchase of equipment or appliances is not easy; in the store there are several options that fit the budget but do not meet the required features, I really enjoy the process of choosing and discarding, the drawback is when I have to make the decision on the equipment I should buy, I would like to take one that encompasses the features that I like all the equipment in the store and suits my needs, which is not always the case, but in the end and after much searching you get the right equipment, in short it is a bit complicated.

It can be complicated yes, but the process is a good exercise for a person to determine needs over wants.. most people get what they want though, not necessarily what they need.

I hate car salesmen with a passion. It's all such a racket and probably one of my least favorite things to do. If you do get a new truck be sure to pay attention to the payload capacity. Some of them can tow a lot but have a low payload cap. When you add your gear, people, and the tongue weight of the trailer it can often put you over. It sounds like you are looking for a toy hauler. I make spreadsheets for pretty much every major purchase I make. Pros, cons, dimensions.

Yep, there's many considerations including the overall towing capacity, GVM (gross vehicle mass) and the GCM (gross combined mass - vehicle and trailer) and other things like the ball weight as you say - it can get complicated for the unititiated. My truck has a GVM upgrade so I have additional load capacity so I'm all good there currently, and the trucks I'm looking at have even more so the only salespeople! Lol.

I like the blue one. Eye Candy. Was that one high on the list?

It is, but costly at $129,000 and that's on sale! I'm looking for alternatives.

HELLO! HAHAHA! Just kidding.
I think big ticket purchases are generally worth spending more time researching and comparing. Some recent examples are probably air tickets and hotel bookings for me.

Yep, it's detworth researching prices when it comes to airlines, there's so much difference between the airlines, the hotels too. There's a few good booking sites that pull prices from all over so that one can select the best a d most suitable.

That hood of the truck in the first picture looks absolutely badass!

I might be mistaken but from the look of it you are driving a Toyota?
I wont say I'm much of a fan when ot comes down to the caravans!

 23 days ago (edited) 

The image of the hood and bull bar in the image in the collage above was not a Toyota, it was a D-Max, one of the older ones. I have had several 4x4's since then. I liked that one though, reliable, good on diesel and capable.

The Dodge Ram 1500 TRX. (Taken from the Dodge Australia website). I'd say it qualifies as bad ass. You agree?


Ahhh it does look alot like a land cruiser!

But as for the RAM! That is real badass! I wont mind driving one of those at all!😎😎

I have a Landcruiser now, the V8 200 Series, back when that photo was taken I had the D-Max.

And yep, that Ram TRX 💜

Okay so the D-Max is the Isuzu right? I'm sorry laughs you guys have so many brands and vehicles that we don't even have here!

Oh those Land Cruisers are the pretty ones! Heck! We've got one here at work, transfer got buggered up! I told Bossman when I'm all grown up I'm going to drive one of those xD xD

 21 days ago (edited) 

Yep, the Isuzu D-Max, pretty recent bakkie.

I've been very happy with my Landcruiser to be honest, zero complaints. I've done some work to it also, accessories and have had the engine and transmission tuned on a dyno. I did a post a while ago on that. It's a bit of a rocket now. 😉

I'll certainly have a hunt for that post this weekend!

It's very obvious that you are a diligent person. I see that in the tone of your posts and weekend engagement topics.

Thank you, it's helped me get through life a little more easily.

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Sup G. Taking time to research and compare is so important. I've found that understanding different perspectives really helps in making better decisions. It’s great to see such a thoughtful approach to evaluating options from you bro

Making huge purchases like this need to be researched, getting it wrong means more cost and I don't like wasting money needlessly. Most people are probably the same I suppose. I like the process so it's a win win.

It's definitely a win-win brother

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